Holidays 10 august
This fuel is obtained by processing animal and vegetable fats. Its main advantage is environmental safety. When using it, the emission of soot and carbon dioxide, which causes irreparable damage to the ozone layer of the planet, is significantly reduced. The fuel does not cause any harm to either plants or animals.
The population of graceful predators is gradually declining and their Day is a reason to think about protection and conservation. The lion is considered a deadly animal, but today it turns out that man has become the main enemy for the beast. And if nothing changes, then predators in the near future risk ending up in the Red Book.
Bloggers are actively exploring the Internet media space. They post their thoughts about current events online, conduct streams, and exchange links to useful resources and photographs with subscribers. August 10 marks the day of vlogging - a method of transmitting information using videos.
The wind that inflated the sails of the caravels of the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries made it possible to make sea voyages, both short and long distances. Today, only balloon pilots and parachutists rely on the strength of the wind and its direction. However, the speech still uses the parting words “Tailwind!” - wishes for an easy and fast journey, successful completion of the plan.
Power games were a favorite pastime in Rus'. The epic heroes Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich and Ilya Muromets were involved in lifting weights and wrestling. An important milestone in the development of martial arts was the founding of the “Amateur Athletics Club” in St. Petersburg on August 10, 1885.
In Rus', farewell to a loved one before a long separation was accompanied by various rituals. Before a long journey, as before a difficult and difficult task, they prayed, sat down on chests, trunks or suitcases and then left the house. In memory of these and other farewell traditions, an unusual holiday has been established.
Ecuador Holidays - Independence Day (National Day)
In Orthodoxy, this day is associated with the names of the apostles Prokhor and Parmen. On Prokhorov Day, people honored blacksmiths, without whose labor peasant life would have been difficult. There was a popular belief that the most important thing on this day was not to buy or sell anything. Even the exchange of anything was prohibited.
Italian Holidays - Feast of Saint Lawrence
Orthodox holidays on August 10:
Celebration in honor of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God, called “Hodegetria”
Feast of the Icon of the Mother of God of Bugabash
Cathedral of Tambov Saints

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