Holidays 23 february
Although this day is considered Defender of the Fatherland Day, that is, the day of those who guarded state order, February 23 is usually celebrated as All Men's Day. Each family has its own defenders, who receive a large number of congratulations, gifts and attention from loving women during the holiday.
February is significant not only as Defender of the Fatherland Day; it is on this date that Pillow Fight Day is celebrated all over the world. This funny celebration was invented not so long ago. The main goal is to maintain a person’s normal psychological state, reduce stress, and have a cheerful mood.
On February 23, German engineer-inventor Rudolf Diesel received a patent for the creation of a piston engine. This happened in 1893. Since then, this type of internal combustion engine has been called diesel in honor of its creator. The invention was a real breakthrough in mechanical engineering.
In the culture of the Slavs and Aryans, like other peoples, there was a cult of veneration of ancestors. Men, the successors of the Family, turned to them for protection and help in difficult moments. On February 23, the oldest holiday is celebrated - Dida Day, which unites all the ancestors of the Family in the male line.
Holidays of Belarus - Day of Defenders of the Fatherland and Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus
Holidays of Kyrgyzstan - Defender of the Fatherland Day in Kyrgyzstan
In 1905, on February 23, four residents of Chicago, at a friendly meeting, decided to create an international club for friendship and cooperation of business people. Today there are about 33 thousand branches of Rotary International around the world, more than 90 of them are located in Russia. And on February 23, the World Day of Understanding and Peace is celebrated annually in honor of the founding of the club.
Dog biscuits come in different sizes, shapes and flavors. They serve to reward man's best friend for good behavior as part of their training. Dog owners can also give cookies to show their four-legged friends how much they love them. February 23rd is a fun holiday called Dog Cookie Day.
Japan Holidays - Emperor's Birthday
The name of the holidays is associated with the Christian date of memory of St. Prokhor the Lebednik. The day is also dedicated to Saint Harlampius. People asked Saint Harlampius to save them from involuntary death, such as murder or accident. Prokhor Vesnovey named the day for the turn to the beginning of spring. The air became noticeably warmer, the frosts subsided, and drops often occurred.
International STAND UP to Bullying Day
Purim-katan (Small Purim) among the Jews
Orthodox holidays on February 23:
Memorial Day of St. Prokhor Lebednik
Memorial Day of Righteous Galina
Feast of the Icon of the Mother of God “Fire-shaped”
Cathedral of Saints of Novgorod
Memorial Day of the Hieromartyr Charalampios of Magnesia

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