Holidays 2 july
Every day, events of stunning beauty and excitement unfold on the planet’s sports fields. Through journalistic agility, millions of sports fans around the world receive information, make choices and form their opinions. The sports press is an integral and promising part of today's media.
This event is dedicated to everyone who is studying an unusual phenomenon that has no logical explanation, and objects that are believed to have an extraterrestrial origin. Scientists have still not officially recognized ufology as a separate science. Despite this, many countries today have the largest research centers and institutions where quite reputable specialists work.
On June 2, it is customary to congratulate people who lead a healthy and not so healthy lifestyle by raising appropriate toasts. The first - with the wish to never get a stomach ulcer, the second - for the success and well-being of abstainers. A sober lifestyle is, of course, the key to health and longevity. However, it is known that the long-livers of the Caucasus, even in their old age, did not give up wine and chacha.
The dog became one of the first domesticated animals due to its hunting skills, ability to live in a group, intelligence and easy training. Representatives of the canine family turned out to be excellent helpers for shepherds - they rounded up livestock and protected it from wild animals. Over time, dogs began to be trained to deliver mail, clear mines, and carry cargo, including transporting people and things in sleds.
International holidays - Sea and River Fleet Workers' Day
Holidays in Kyrgyzstan - Medical Worker Day
Holidays of Azerbaijan - Police Day
Holidays in Kazakhstan - Diplomatic Service Day
Since ancient times it has been a source of life and a breadwinner for the peoples of Siberia. The Yakuts call the Lena and its many tributaries Ebe Khotun (“Lady Grandmother”), the Buryats call it Zulhe Muren or Khara Zulhe (“Horse River”). The pride of Eastern Siberia, the nurse and the beauty, has its own holiday.
Zosima named the date from the church date of honoring the memory of Saint Zosima of Apolloniad, who gave his life for faith in the Savior. Zosima the Beekeeper existed among the people for several days. During the summer Zosima watched bees swarm and fill honeycombs with honey. Bees were valuable to the people.
Orthodox holidays on July 2:
Memorial Day of the Holy Apostle Jude James, Brother of the Lord
Memorial Day of the Martyr Zosimas of Apolloniad
Memorial Day of St. John of Shanghai
Memorial Day of St. Job, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'

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