Holidays 8 july
The initiator of the all-Russian family celebration was the residents of the city of Murom, who at the end of the 20th century revived on the Murom land the tradition of secular celebration of the day of the holy saints, the veneration of Peter and Fevronia, who lived in Murom in the 12th-13th centuries. The married couple Fevronia and Peter are a symbol of wisdom, patience, love, fidelity, and family. They became famous for their mercy and piety.
The holiday is, first of all, important for the anti-aircraft gunners themselves, service veterans, teaching staff of specialized educational institutions, as well as students and specialists in scientific fields related to the development and testing of new types of anti-aircraft missile weapons.
Russian Holidays - Moscow Transport Day
Fun Holidays - International Skinny Dip Day
On the planet, about 40% of the population is characterized by increased sensitivity of the immune system and pathological reactions to plant pollen, animal hair, house dust, food, medications and other irritants. In large cities, the rate of residents suffering from allergies reaches 60%.
From a psychological point of view, this is a great opportunity to get emotional release and “reboot” in order to rush back into the maelstrom of adult life with renewed vigor. The older a person becomes, the brighter his childhood shines in his memory. The bad is erased and only positive emotions remain, which are sometimes worth returning to.
People have long turned to the stars, predicting the future based on the positions of the Sun and other planets at the time of a person’s birth. In pagan beliefs and modern religions, the vault of heaven is the place where the gods live. There, according to Christian doctrine, the holy righteous ascend to pray for people living on Earth.
If you want to hide something securely, put it in a visible place. People who love to make nest eggs do not agree with this wisdom. In Soviet times, paper bills were hidden in piles of bed linen, books or cereal cans in the kitchen. The holiday, which is celebrated on July 8, encourages everyone to be smart and observant in finding things hidden by themselves or someone else.
Independent journalists and bloggers learn all the ins and outs about the criminal affairs of politicians and businessmen, reveal the truth about show business stars and convey it to the public without any embellishment. Global conspiracies are also being exposed, for example, government conspiracies about state-level contacts with UFOs and the long-standing presence of aliens on Earth.
The name of the date was borrowed from the church day of honoring the memory of two saints - Prince Peter and his wife Fevronia, who became an example of a righteous Christian family in Rus'. In Rus', the holy couple was considered the patrons of family relationships and associated the date with Valentine's Day for spouses. On this day, engaged and already married couples went to church and prayed to the saints for the well-being of their marriage.
Orthodox holidays on July 8:
Memorial Day of Saints Peter and Fevronia
Memorial Day of Dalmat Isetsky

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