Holidays 3 march
This holiday has been celebrated for more than 30 years on March 3. In the first half of the last century, a decision arose in the literary society to organize a PEN club, uniting figures from the literary community. This event took place in London in 1921 thanks to the initiative of English writers.
According to a report by the World Health Organization, more than a billion people on the planet are at risk of hearing loss due to listening to loud music. International Ear and Hearing Day is a global WHO initiative launched in 2007 in Beijing.
The official date when the military units were officially formed is March 3, 1978. Their appearance was preceded by a decree of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee. Based on the recommendations made by government commissions, the first detachments of divers and boat units were formed.
This unusual holiday reminds the stronger half of humanity that the happiness of the woman who loves him largely depends on a man. March 3 encourages people to do things that bring pleasure to others. This could be a compliment, help in solving a problem, a gift, or another gesture of generosity.
This is a relatively young holiday, which was created by the United Nations in 2013 to raise public awareness of the dangers facing the fauna and flora of the planet. The selected date coincides with the signing of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.
Holidays of Kyrgyzstan - Day of the State Flag of the Kyrgyz Republic
Holidays of Georgia - Mother's Day
The month of March in Japan is dedicated to women. Hina Matsuri is a holiday that is celebrated every year on March 3rd. The name itself translates as girls' holiday, otherwise this day is also called the peach blossom holiday. On the Hina Matsuri holiday, representatives of the fair sex make dolls, traditionally from paper, ceramics, and silk.
International Children's Day of Broadcasting
National Grandmothers Day in France (Fete des grands-meres)
US Holidays - National Moscow Mule Day
Holidays of the Slavs - Memorial Day of Prince Igor
Holidays in Bulgaria - Liberation Day of Bulgaria from the Ottoman yoke
The day was dedicated to the bunting bird, which looked a little like a sparrow, but with a distinctive yellow breast and neck. In severe cold weather, the bird flew to warm regions, and with the arrival of spring returned to its former habitats. It was believed that Yarilo himself, the god of warmth and fertility, sent oatmeal to notify residents of the arrival of real spring. Weather signs for this day: Clear stars and a month meant the return of cold weather, a small number of stars and a dim moon promised snowy weather.
Orthodox holidays on March 3:
Memorial Day of Saint Flavian, Patriarch of Constantinople
Week of the Prodigal Son

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