Holidays 30 may
Over the past 50 years, asthma and allergies have become the most common diseases on Earth. In order to convey information about the clinical manifestations of these diseases, the causes of their occurrence and methods of treatment, WHO established a holiday.
Feminists have been fighting for equal rights for women for almost two hundred years. Their position is distinguished by social activity and categorical disagreement with gender discrimination, which is why one of the symbols of the movement became a woman warrior - Joan of Arc. Every year on May 30, the day of the execution of the national heroine of France, International Feminism Day is celebrated.
One of the most popular first dishes in Russia, served cold, is okroshka. It is most often prepared in spring and summer, because with the arrival of warmth, fresh cucumbers, radishes, dill and green onions appear on the table. The recipe for cold soup goes back a long way.
Catholic holidays - Feast of Saint Joan of Arc
National Potato Day in Peru (Dia Nacional de la Papa)
Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ among Catholics (Corpus Christi)
Catholic holidays - Feast Day of Saint Ferdinand
The name of the national holiday is given in honor of Saint Euphrosyne of Moscow, revered by the church on this day. The people called Evdokia the Whistler, since the winds became more frequent on that day. They were so sharp that it seemed like someone was whistling. On Evdokia Svistunya, residents went to their gardens to hill up potato bushes.
Orthodox holidays on May 30:
Memorial Day of St. Euphrosyne of Moscow
Memorial Day of Saint Stephen of Constantinople

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