In the folk calendar, August 6 is Boris and Gleb Day
What do folk signs say about this day and how to properly honor the memory of the younger brothers of Yaroslav the Wise, the sons of Grand Duke Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, the Baptist of Rus'?
Boris and Gleb (baptized Roman and David) were born into a large family Sources claim that Prince Vladimir Yasnoe Solnyshko had more than twenty children from different wives The mother of the youngest of thirteen sons - Boris and Gleb - was the Bulgarian princess Milolika
Both brothers died a painful death on the orders of their blood brother Svyatopolk, who, after the death of his father, thus decided to eliminate the legitimate heirs to the throne
According to the chronicles, from childhood the future passion-bearing princes were raised together, both were kind, sympathetic, merciful, and were known as humble Christians who respected church canons It was thanks to their righteous and godly deeds, helping the weak, that after death they were canonized and canonized
The people loved the brothers very much and talked about the miraculous and incredible healings that took place at the graves of the martyred princes
On August 6, Orthodox Christians honor their memory
By this time, grain crops were actively ripening in the fields, but it was not recommended to work in the fields on August 6 People were afraid that lightning would burn the bread Our ancestors noticed that there were often large thunderstorms on this day, which could set fire to haystacks in the field and ripe grain crops, so they turned with prayers to the defenders and patrons, Boris and Gleb, to preserve the harvest
The beginning of August coincided with active harvesting of berries During this period, bird cherry and black currant ripened, which are well used as medicines for colds and stomach diseases Eating bird cherry also improves blood clotting Raspberries are recommended for nervous disorders These berries should be collected and dried on August 6 in order to provide the family with healing agents
According to the folk calendar, on this day our ancestors stocked up on birch brooms for the winter Also on August 6, the period of large mushroom picking began, which means a gradual decrease in air temperature, accompanied by mushroom rains
The weather on this day was predicted by flowers and seagulls: if the birch inflorescence is closed tightly, and seagulls often land on the water, expect rain
If the full moon occurs on August 6, then what the weather will be like on that day will remain the same until the end of the month