On January 29 (January 16, old style), according to the folk calendar, the feast of Peter the Half-Korn is celebrated It takes its name from the church date of honoring the faith of St Apostle Peter, one of the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ, the first Pope
Peter was the first to recognize Jesus as the messiah During his life, he converted thousands of people to Christianity Also, traveling around countries, he carried the word of God to people Possessing the gift of healing, Peter healed the hopelessly sick Wrote several collections devoted to the teachings of Christ In the 67th year of his life, Peter was martyred by the pagans: he was bound with chains - iron chains, and crucified upside down on the cross
The second part of the name Peter the Half-Kord received from the folk tradition of checking deposits of leftovers in cellars and barns, as the middle of winter was approaching If there was less food left for livestock and poultry, the owners reduced the amount of hay or grain given to the animals Sufficient supplies of rye flour in barns predicted a good grain harvest
On the day of Peter the Half-Fed, they prayed to the Apostle Peter with a request for an excellent harvest of grain in the summer It was forbidden to engage in embroidery or chopping wood, as they believed that tools resembling wolf fangs could harm livestock In order to protect him from encounters with predators, a chain with stones equal to the number of animals living on the farm was hung near the stove
On Petra-polukorda they took linen fabrics to the market to sell The processing of flax was initially carried out by men, doing the hardest work, then the flax was transferred to women They were the ones who made fabric from fibers Just in time for this day, housewives managed to weave enough flax for their needs and for sale Thanks to the proceeds from the sale, the peasants were able to wait out the times of famine
If there was a snowfall on Petra-polukorma, the summer season was expected with showers, but frost foreshadowed a hot, dry summer The bright month in the sky promised the coming cold Frosts were also predicted by a purple sunset The north wind predicted a change in the weather for the worse