According to the folk calendar, January 22 (January 9, old style) is Philip Day Its name comes from the church date of honoring the memory of St Philip II, who served as metropolitan in Moscow during the reign of Tsar Ivan the Terrible
Young Philip, known in the world as Fyodor, entered service at court on his father’s behalf But his heart was drawn to the Lord Having secretly moved from his family to the Solovetsky monastery, Philip after several years received the rank of presbyter, and then abbot An extremely hardworking clergyman created deserts for the silent presence of monks, revived the welfare of the monastery, and built hospitals
For his skillful leadership, Philip received the rank of Metropolitan of the Moscow See Later he began to have disagreements with Ivan the Terrible The ruler deprived Philip of his dignity and punished him by imprisoning him in a monastery In the monastery in Tver, the saint was killed by Malyuta Skuratov
On Philip's Day, the people's holidays stopped and people returned to their homework The owners chopped wood, made crafts, repaired and tidied up household chores Housewives cleaned the house, washed, sewed
In the evening, according to tradition, they heated the bathhouse and went to wash off the “dirt of Christmastide” Among the people, the bathhouse was considered a place not only of cleanliness, but also of washing away various diseases and sins People took a steam bath before important events, be it a wedding, the beginning of sowing in a field, or the funeral of deceased relatives
The clear sky on Philip Day foreshadowed a large harvest in the summer Looking at the crows sitting in the trees, they expected the coming frosts, and if they walked on the ground, this predicted warming If the livestock did not want to go outside from the barn, a cold was expected Also, the coming frost was predicted by a cat climbing to sleep on the stove; if she slept on a bench with her stomach up, people expected a thaw