According to the folk calendar, Trofim Bessonnik is celebrated on August 5 (July 23, old style) This holiday is named after the church day of honoring the memory of St Trophimus, a Christian who suffered at the hands of idolaters
Trophimus lived in the 3rd century in the Roman Empire, during the reign of Emperor Diocletian When the ruler issued a decree to strengthen paganism in the state, cruel oppression of Christians began Trofimus confessed the faith of Christ with all his soul, therefore at the trial he refused to change it For refusing, the man was subjected to torture: he was beaten, his shins were cut and he was burned with fire The martyr endured suffering, but was adamant Unable to break his strong faith, the pagans cut off Trophim's head
And among the people Trofim was nicknamed Insomniac, associating this with the times when there was practically not enough time for sleep At the height of summer, it was necessary to have time to collect rye, prepare hay, and manage household chores In addition, it began to get dark early, and the nights were already getting longer To cope with a large volume of work, the owners got up at dawn and worked until dark, without closing their eyes
In addition, residents also called the day of Trofim Bessonnik Kalinnik-Malinnik In the forests, the viburnum began to turn red and raspberries ripened in abundance Young people or children were sent to their gatherings The viburnum berries were still tart, but very healthy But the raspberries pleased with their sweetness On this day, viburnum and raspberries were used in compotes, jam, marmalade, dried for tea for the winter, and added to butter pies
Peasants valued viburnum for its medicinal properties Its berries, bark, inflorescences and even leaves were used for colds, to treat the digestive tract, to stop bleeding or to lower blood pressure Picked berries could be stored fresh for a long time, and when dried, their beneficial properties did not decrease
Raspberries among the people were not only a delicacy, but also a useful product Raspberries, rich in vitamin C, were used to boost immunity and reduce fever during fever It had hemostatic properties and helped in the treatment of joints Girls used raspberries to improve skin color and health
If fog was noticed on the ground on Trofim Bessonnik, then the next day they prepared for clear weather The cry of an owl in the forest foreshadowed the onset of cool weather The bright twinkling of stars was noticed on rainy days Pigeons hiding in their nests during the day promised bad weather soon