All-Russian Multiple Sclerosis Day

One of the neurological diseases caused by malfunctions in the human immune system manifests itself in behavioral and physiological disordersAll-Russian Multiple Sclerosis Day This occurs due to problems arising in the functioning of the spinal cord and brain A disease that affects both young and old people is called multiple sclerosis Doctors urge people to prevent the disease and conduct regular examinations for early diagnosis of pathology To this end, June 11 is the All-Russian Day of Multiple Sclerosis The disease causes not only problems with memory and cognitive activity, but also other functional impairments People with multiple sclerosis experience muscle weakness and chronic fatigue, problems with vision, motor coordination, gastrointestinal function, and cognitive impairment In terms of severity, the disease ranks first among pathologies leading to disability Multiple sclerosis is caused by prolonged stress and psycho-emotional trauma, allergies, viral and bacteriological infections The development of this autoimmune disease is caused by a lack of vitamin D, alcohol abuse and drug use All these provoking factors, as well as genetic predisposition, become a trigger for demyelination of the sheath of nerve tissue in the spinal cord and brain Sclerosis destroys healthy cells and replaces them with connective ones The term “scattered” is used in relation to the distribution of foci of the disease - they are present in large numbers throughout the entire central nervous system Science, unfortunately, does not know how to completely cure sclerosis Therefore, people with a predisposition to the disease should engage in its prevention: normalize body weight, avoid stress, lead an active lifestyle, get enough sleep and eat right The first events dedicated to Multiple Sclerosis Day were held in 2010 Since then, every year on June 11, researchers and medical workers have organized forums, educational seminars and conferences dedicated to this autoimmune disease In honor of the special day, charity evenings are held to raise funds to help patients with multiple sclerosis Television broadcasts programs dedicated to the prevention and early diagnosis of pathology Recently, doctors have been using immunomodulatory therapy - drugs that can dramatically reduce the number of exacerbations of multiple sclerosis However, the occurrence of this and a number of other diseases is easier to prevent than to cure In Russia, 200 thousand people suffer from multiple sclerosis, and about 2 million in the world The pathology causes inconvenience not only to neurologist patients, but also to their loved ones Early diagnosis increases the effectiveness of treatment, and prevention can delay the onset of the disease All-Russian Multiple Sclerosis Day draws our attention to this

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