Not a single gardener will question the need to grow the most popular crop of temperate latitudes on the plot - apple trees The spring flowering of this fruit tree is in no way inferior in beauty to Japanese sakura and gives indescribable aesthetic pleasure The taste of apples pleases both in late summer and autumn during harvest, and in winter This fruit is a favorite of housewives, who make juices from it, make jams and compotes, and add it to salads, pies and other dishes A holiday has been established in honor of perennial trees and shrubs of the Rosaceae family January 6th is Apple Tree Day
It is no coincidence that Apple Tree Day falls on New Year's celebrations and Christmas Christians celebrate Jesus Christ and his birth not only in churches, but also while sitting at home with their family at a richly laid table The main Christmas dish of Catholics in Germany and other European countries is a goose stuffed with apples, which are an Old Testament symbol of sin and temptation According to the Bible, Eve and Adam tasted this forbidden fruit, growing on the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Gethsemane, for which they were expelled from paradise
Mentions of apples are also found in pagan beliefs Historians claim that people began cultivating this fruit tree 8,500 years ago One of the world-famous ancient Greek myths is the story of Persia giving the goddess Aphrodite a golden apple with the inscription “The Most Beautiful” This event caused the start of the Trojan War And thanks to the Roman historian Justin, the expression “apple of discord” began to be used to figuratively designate an insignificant thing or event that could lead to large-scale and destructive consequences
The fruit is often found in Russian fairy tales and legends Thus, rejuvenating apples from the Serpent were eaten by Bogumir, the son of Madder and Dazhdbog The ancient Greek Hercules went on a campaign to get golden fruits from the garden of the Hesperides, which bestow eternal youth In Scandinavian mythology, the secret of the immortality of the gods of Asgard was the regular consumption of the fruits of Idunna's apple tree
The name of the fruit is found in various areas of human life So, Adam's apple is called Adam's apple in men In horse breeding, the fruit is used to indicate the color of horses whose coat color contains dark round spots In ophthalmology, the apple is the spherical body of the eye The symbol of the American corporation Apple is a reference to the biblical tree of knowledge and its bitten fruit
In honor of Apple Tree Day, it is customary to prepare dishes and drinks with this juicy, aromatic and tasty fruit It contains vitamins A, C, B1, B2, PP, E, as well as minerals: magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, iron, selenium, iodine, potassium and calcium Apples not only saturate the body with useful substances, but also cleanse it of poisons, help improve digestion, and reduce blood sugar levels The benefits of eating this fruit are obvious, and as many people as possible should know about it Therefore, Apple Tree Day was established in honor of apples