The beginning of Peter's Lent traditionally falls on the 57th day after the celebration of Easter or a week after Trinity The duration of the summer fast is not fixed: each year it lasts a different number of days depending on the date of Easter This is an important period of spiritual and physical abstinence for the Orthodox world, a time of subordination of bodily needs to the power of the spirit It is a reminder of the lurking danger when believers forget about the love of God and lead an unrighteous, sinful life, and also teaches them to neglect personal desires in the name of serving the Divine principle
The origin of Petrov's Fast does not have a specific background According to some historical data, fasting was named after the apostles Peter and Paul, and involves following their traditions, namely, abstaining from food after Pentecost They took this “step” so that worldly affairs and physiological needs would not distract them from preparing to preach the Gospel
According to other sources, there is no connection with the life of the apostles, and the fast itself was originally intended for people who were unable (for various reasons) to observe the canons of Lent before Easter So, Petrov’s Fast provided this opportunity to fast, so as not to worry all year about “violating” spiritual regulations
The first mentions of Peter's Fast go back to the very origins of the Orthodox Church Its establishment is spoken of in the writings of the apostles, where it is written that “justice requires fasting after the relief of the flesh after the celebration of one week” The final approval of the summer fast took place after the construction and consecration of the churches of Peter and Paul in Rome and Byzantium Christians began to spend this summer time before the Day of Remembrance of the Apostles (July 12) in fasting and prayer It was common among people to say that on this day “Peter and Paul reduced the hour”
During fasting, one must not indulge in lusts and vices in order to remain virtuous and pious Peter's Fast is not as strict as the Great Fast On some days it is allowed to eat fish; meat, eggs and dairy products are prohibited The basis of the table is greens and dishes “derived” from them - botvinya, okroshka, cabbage soup, as well as berries and cereals
The diet is as follows: Monday - hot food without oil, on all other days you can eat fish, with the exception of Wednesday and Friday, when only dry eating is allowed On weekends, drinking wine is acceptable Despite the relaxation, people called the fast meager It fell during a period when winter supplies had already been eaten, and the new harvest had not yet ripened
During Lent, it was forbidden to get married and baptize children However, this particular time is called the time of weddings At the feast after the state registration of marriage there should also be lenten dishes It is possible that among the guests there will be people who are fasting Having fun is not prohibited, but it is customary to observe a number of decencies: no vulgar competitions, ambiguous jokes and strong alcoholic libations
Peter's fast sets us up for great work, spiritual cleansing and strengthening of the inner core, subordination of selfish needs to the power of the spirit