Kalyadnitsa, bagatukha, vesyalukha, kupalinka These are the names of Belarusian dolls in ancient times, which were sculpted from clay, woven and knitted For many peoples, toys performed and continue to perform a ritual function Belarusian dolls were also made not only for the amusement of children, but also as amulets to protect the home, preserve the family and attract prosperity The herbal capsule warded off diseases, the zazhinka, which was sewn before the start of the harvest in the fields, helped in harvesting, the coveted woman attracted a good husband to a girl of marriageable age
According to tradition, agricultural work was completed closer to mid-November, which was conducive to engaging in crafts Special days and times were allocated for this Craftswomen enjoyed participating in “puppet fun,” which was accompanied by a noisy feast, jokes, songs and other entertainment Women demonstrated their skills by competing to create the most beautiful doll - a toy It was believed that a toy made without a needle or scissors had the greatest protective power Therefore, the fabric for such dolls was not sewn, but torn and tied
The amulets were made from any available materials - corn, straw, flax, flowers, grass, threads and scraps In the 20th century festivities in honor of “puppet fun” grew into an annual holiday Since 2010, the celebration has been recognized at the state level From now on, November 16 is celebrated as the Day of the Belarusian Doll
Amulets and other objects of decorative and applied art are a reflection of the soul of the people, their national culture, moral and ethical values The doll, the embodiment of the experience of ancestors, is considered by Belarusians and other Eastern Slavs to be a symbol of wisdom, an example of internal and external beauty Therefore, modern craftswomen not only make designer toys using ancient techniques, but also restore rare specimens
The history of folk puppet theater goes back hundreds of years The tradition of performances in the batleyka style (from “Bethlehem” - “Bethlehem”), called nativity scenes in Rus', came to Belarus in the 15th century The puppet theater most often performed Christmas-themed performances Over time, the Baby Jesus, the Magi, the Virgin Mary and Joseph ceased to be the only characters The ranks of the heroes of the battle were replenished with a soldier, Baba Yaga, a devil, a gypsy and other dolls on sticks
The action in the theater takes place inside a wooden hideaway (box), decorated with carvings and openwork vitinankas Making dolls for batleyka requires perseverance, experience and skills in working with wood and other materials As well as rag or clay wishels, grains and fun things All masters of decorative and applied arts, continuers of the glorious traditions of their ancestors, are congratulated on November 16 on the Day of the Belarusian Doll