On December 13, lovers of delicious food celebrate an unusual and funny holiday called the Belly Festival The history of its origin is unknown, as is exactly when and where it began to be celebrated Perhaps the date was not chosen by chance, because in just over two weeks the New Year's feast will take place And for millions of Russian people, the New Year’s table is the personification of prosperity, and the New Year is a reason to treat yourself to exquisite delicacies Night gatherings with an abundance of goodies are a responsible undertaking and a real test for the stomach And a little training will come in handy here
Everyone knows the expression “belly celebration” This is the name for some kind of large-scale feast with tasty and satisfying treats You can pamper yourself both in the company of friends and relatives, and alone You don’t have to cook complex dishes; you can order your favorite rolls or pizza For the belly festival to take place, only two conditions must be met:
• food should be tasty; • there should be no shortage of treats so that you can “eat your fill”
By analogy with the expression “belly festival”, December 13th also takes place At least for those who remember this date and want to celebrate It should be tasty, fun and plentiful Of course, you can complicate the task a little and diversify the celebration program One of the following methods will do:
1 Prepare several traditional New Year's dishes or simply delicious and favorite ones Treat yourself to them while watching an interesting movie or TV series
2 Master some new recipe
3 Order treats to your home, invite friends, loved ones or relatives over
4 Allow yourself something that is not very useful, but brings pleasure This is an option for those who on normal days adhere to the principles of proper nutrition or limit themselves to “empty calories” Food, of course, should be healthy, but sometimes you need to allow yourself something “for the soul” - high in calories, fried in oil, richly seasoned with spices, sweet, salty
Even people who are prescribed dietary nutrition can celebrate the holiday of the belly After all, tasty food is not necessarily unhealthy Almost everyone can treat themselves to natural sweets, dairy desserts, fruits, seafood, avocado sandwiches, and nuts Even believers who observe the Nativity fast can find an acceptable option for themselves and their loved ones without gluttony
It is already known that strict dietary restrictions are just as harmful to health as food indiscriminateness With constant caloric restriction, stress levels increase and metabolism slows down This is not good for the body And long-term dieting is fraught with eating disorders, decreased social activity and overall quality of life Periodic deviation from the rules will help maintain physical and mental health Therefore, it’s worth pampering yourself with goodies not even once a year, but more often