The bright holiday of the Epiphany is one of the most long-awaited and important for Christian believers all over the world The baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River became a fundamental event for the great holiday In those distant times, only adults who truly believed in the one God-Savior could undergo the sacrament This ritual is the source of faith in Christ - a completely new religion with a clear rejection of the many-faced divine pantheon After his Baptism, Christ preached famous sermons, revealing to the whole world faith in the true God
On the feast of Epiphany, the rite of blessing of water takes place in Catholic churches It is believed that on this day its composition becomes miraculous, exceptionally healing, capable of protecting against all physical ailments and mental torment The first Christians tried to take water for baptism from open bodies of water: rivers, lakes, springs Even before sunrise, they were in a hurry to make an ice hole in the shape of a cross Then prayers of the clergy took place near the hole, after which it was possible to draw miraculous water It was sure to be carried home in all kinds of vessels to consecrate their homes with grace, and also preserved as medicine or eaten daily as an additional source of strength and energy
It was believed that Epiphany water could protect the house from the attacks of evil spirits To prevent evil spirits from disturbing the owners, all rooms in the house were consecrated, as well as the yard and outbuildings People drank plenty of wonderful water to be strong and healthy for the next year The Catholic holiday of Epiphany coincides with the day of the Three Kings - the great sages who were the first to accept and tell the whole world the good news about the birth of the Mission - Jesus The names of kings Balthozar, Melchon and Kaspel are widely known to all Catholics On the day of the Epiphany, every parishioner strives to bring home special chalk along with sacred water With its help, the first letters of the names of the kings should be written on the front door of the house Believers know that this simple ritual will ward off evil spirits and protect all family members from filth
The holiday of the Epiphany is rich in ancient customs and traditions that have become irrelevant in our time In past centuries, after the service for Epiphany, the owner first of all hurried home It was very important to arrive at your yard first This promised a rich harvest and made it possible to be the first in farming: the first to complete the harvest of the future harvest, and to receive a significant increase in livestock Also, Catholics from time immemorial have looked closely at the weather on this day, trying to predict what the coming spring and summer will be like
There are practically no old rites left in the modern Catholic faith Water is not taken from rivers or lakes Everything is much more modern and practical: the ritual takes place in the temple, and parishioners can get water simply from the tap Sacred chalk is still brought home from the church and carefully stored along with water all year round Among the old traditions, swimming in an ice hole is also welcomed, which is also considered healing and brings rejuvenation to the whole body