There are many fun holidays on the holiday calendar in the United States and other countries Some of them call for breaking existing taboos at least once a year Thus, every fourth Thursday of January is the Day of Incompatible Colors in Clothes Everyone who celebrates Clashing Clothes Day chooses wardrobe items contrary to existing rules, challenging stereotypes and clichés
The Day of Incompatible Colors encourages you to forget that a lilac sweater embroidered with lurex does not go well with classic blue jeans And a red skirt, with a purple blouse and yellow shoes is almost bad manners But this is not always true Yes, people meet by their clothes, but they evaluate a person by how convincingly he presents himself and his choice When choosing clothes without taking into account the color wheel, remember that the more confident you feel in the created image, the less likely it is to cause bewilderment and even ridicule from others
In recent years, eclecticism has firmly and permanently entered modern fashion - a combination of different styles, textures and shades of fabric The hippies are considered the founder of this trend: “flower children” preferred bright and comfortable clothes with ethnic motifs Grunge, which arose in the 80s of the twentieth century in Seattle, also became a kind of challenge to classics and pretentious glamor It is not burdened by conventions and hippies, just like fusion, which is translated from English as “fusion”, “synthesis” or “mixing” Fans of daring combinations of colors and “multi-layered” looks will find clothes to their liking in the collections of Vivienne Westwood, a true revolutionary in the fashion world
Therefore, Clashing Clothes Day cannot be considered a holiday of bad taste or even vulgarity On this day, we remember everything that has already happened in fashion more than once - a non-trivial approach to the color combination of clothes, but maintaining harmony and a sense of taste To be able to combine the incongruous is a whole science According to existing rules, one set of clothes should not contain more than 3 colors But this limitation does not apply to the number of shades! Therefore, on the Day of Incompatible Colors, you can forget about monochrome and plain looks and start combining them with tones, prints and geometric shapes in clothes
When you decide to celebrate Clashing Clothes Day and have a blast, remember to divide your appearance into color types If your hair, eyebrows and skin gravitate towards shades of the warm spectrum, then it is better to choose wardrobe items in beige, turquoise and powder tones For those with a cool color type, fashion designers advise choosing blue, lilac and green clothes The holiday, celebrated at the end of January, calls not just to break taboos, but to do it gracefully and tastefully Therefore, by choosing clothes that suit your color type of appearance, you will emphasize your individuality, and by combining several shades, you will have an inherent talent for combining incongruous things Which, in fact, is what Clashing Clothes Day calls on all fashionistas and fashionistas to do