The national holiday Kalinov Day, or Kalinnik, falls on August 11 This day is associated with the name of the Christian martyr Callinicus of Cilicia
Callinicus was born in Cilicia (the southeastern region of modern Turkey) in the 3rd century Since childhood, selfless love for people and God lived in his heart Callinicus traveled to many cities and even countries, preaching Christianity
The preacher converted many pagans to Christianity The fame of his sermons against idolatry reached Sacerdus, the ruler of the Roman province Sacerd ordered Kallinikos to be tortured The preacher was scourged and torn with hooks, but nothing happened to his body Then they put iron shoes with nails and blades on him and forced him to walk a hundred kilometers to the place of execution The passion-bearer arrived at the place almost before his guards Those, tired of the long journey and severe thirst, begged the preacher for help After Kallinikos’ prayer, a spring gushed out of a stone nearby, quenching the thirst of the warriors
After this miracle, the guards did not want to kill their captive, but he himself persuaded them to send him to the Kingdom of Heaven With prayer, Kallinikos entered the fire, rejoicing at the upcoming meeting with his Father His body did not burn and was buried by Christians
In the popular consciousness, the name of the passion-bearer was combined with the word “viburnum” On Kalinov Day, it was customary to pick this berry, bake pies with it, or grind it with sugar The bitter taste of the viburnum fruit seemed to remind people of the torment of Kallinikos in the name of faith On August 11, it was forbidden to break branches or cut down viburnum bushes It was believed that this could bring disaster upon oneself
Girls and women washed their faces with viburnum juice in the morning to preserve their beauty Sick people tried to lean against the trunk of the viburnum tree, saying special words
On this day, knowledgeable people read conspiracies to protect their homes from thieves, and also prayed to preserve the harvest from frost There was a belief that on this day witches could spoil livestock Therefore, the peasants hung amulets in the barn at night
As on other folk holidays, on Kalinov Day people watched nature, trying to guess upcoming events and weather: • Small mushroom harvest - there will be a harsh winter • Fog has fallen on the village - expect a rich harvest of bread • Warm weather on Kalinnika - it will be warm autumn• Newly green oats - get ready for a rainy autumn