The implementation of bold ideas and projects should not be shelved The ideal time for bringing fantasies and daring plans to life is November 12 - the Day of Creative Fulfillment Everyone who celebrates this funny holiday can count on a visit to the muse - a source of poetic, musical and any other inspiration Participation in the creative process of the mistress of art and science will certainly lead to the creation of a real masterpiece or discovery
Danish physicist Niels Bohr assessed each new idea this way: “This theory is not crazy enough to be true” Imagination and a non-standard approach to solving a problem are a prerequisite for the creative process as an activity aimed at creating something objectively new It could be a scientific achievement, a musical composition, a work of art or a painting
Creativity carries a magical connotation - literary critics and art historians have been unsuccessfully struggling for decades to understand the “recipe” for the author’s creation of a masterpiece At the same time, not only a romance or poem has aesthetic or practical value, but also the process of writing it Readers are fascinated by the fact that the plot of “The Rose of the World,” created by L Andreev in prison, is based on the author’s mystical visions Why did Mendeleev dream about a table of chemical elements? Is it true that Paganini sold his soul to the devil for receiving a magic violin, on which the virtuoso performed his sonatas? Readers are intrigued not only by the plot and characters of Gogol’s “Dead Souls,” but also by the fact that the writer burned the last volume of the novel, the contents of which can only be guessed at
However, not every person has the potential to create something fundamentally new in art or science Start performing everyday tasks and routine duties with imagination - this is the main message of the Day of Creative Fulfillment November 12 is a good day for writing congratulations on your anniversary in verse to your boss, and for creating a masterpiece in the kitchen according to the recipe you came up with The day is favorable for unleashing creative potential in all areas Didn’t you know that you could draw beautifully until you took part in painting a landscape assigned to your son in art? Didn’t realize your fine artistic taste and talent as a decorator until you helped your friend decorate her living room after renovation?
The creators of the Day of Creative Fulfillment believe that inspiration will descend on everyone whose soul requires flight A holiday is a good reason to realize fantasies, plans, dreams and create something unique You can even take a creative approach to turning parts on a machine, let alone create literary works and music! Remember that inspiration has no schedule, so be creative and dare not only on November 12, but all year round!