The Day of the Formation of the Russian Treasury originated in 1992, when on December 8, Russian President Boris Yeltsin approved the Decree “On the Federal Treasury”
The prototype of this service originated in Ancient Rus' Then treasurers began to appear everywhere in noble courts Their professional functions included the protection of financial assets and other valuables With the growth and establishment of the state, the increase in its wealth, the role of treasurers became increasingly important
The first state courts arose in the 15th century under Ivan III They were affected by changes during the time of Peter I - as soon as tax revenues began to flow into the treasury, he ordered the creation of a Treasury (Accounts) office There were significant transformations during Catherine II’s tenure on the throne By her order, state chambers appeared everywhere in 1755 They were given the authority to collect and maintain taxes and other duties locally
Alexander I in 1821 created the State Treasury Department within the Ministry of Finance It subsequently became the core of a large treasury system in our country
With the reforms of the 60-70s of the 19th century, the ideas of budget unity and rationalization were embodied, incomes and expenses became open As a result, a significant restructuring of the treasury service began, as a result of which the treasury confidently established itself in the state financial system Over time, the state's financial system became more complex, which significantly strengthened the role of treasuries Then updated laws and acts regulating their work came into force
Nowadays, the Federal Treasury is an executive body In accordance with the legislation, carries out law enforcement functions to ensure the execution of the federal budget, monitors compliance with budget legislation, performs cash services for the execution of budgets, monitors transactions with federal budget funds, ensures the turnover of budget funds coming from the federal center to the regions, and prepares reporting documents The Treasury is one of the fundamental departments that ensures the stable existence of the state and creates conditions for the development of all spheres and areas of the country’s activities
Traditionally, on Treasury Day, attention is paid to its employees Managers at various levels congratulate the best employees, veterans of the Federal Treasury of Russia, note their special contribution to the development of the country and analyze the most successfully implemented programs