January 11th is the Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks of Russia This day, at the suggestion of the Wildlife Conservation Center and the World Wildlife Fund, began to be celebrated in 1997
The choice of the holiday date was determined by the events of the autumn of 1916, when Russia adopted the legal act “On Establishing Rules for Hunting Reserves,” regulating the procedure for the creation and operation of reserves
As a result, in the Trans-Baikal region on December 29, 1916 (January 11), the Russian national Barguzin Nature Reserve was established by an official government decision
The Barguzinsky Nature Reserve continues to function a century later Now it is a biosphere reserve This status was assigned to it in 1986 by decision of UNESCO
The reason behind the creation of natural protected areas in Russia was the activities of the Environmental Commission Her work began in 1912 and lasted six years Based on the plan to create a network of nature reserves on Russian lands, in subsequent years national parks, game reserves, and nature reserves were created throughout the country
In today's Russia, 49 national parks and 103 nature reserves are fully functioning The special protective status of territories makes it possible to study the biosphere, monitor its condition and changes occurring
National parks and reserves received the legal status of objects of national heritage (No 33-FZ 03/14/1995) The goal of a modern law-abiding society is to preserve natural attractions, plants, and animals
Parks and reserves are entrusted with the task of education and environmental education of the population
In fact, the lack of education of the population and rash behavior in relation to natural resources have led to the creation of specially protected zones everywhere on Earth They are especially protected from thoughtless human activity
The Russian legislative framework regulates the specifics of the protection regime for national parks and reserves, regulates and controls any activity in these territories But what does a law mean if there are no people behind it?
People whose work preserves in its original form the incomparable creation of nature, flora, fauna, wonderful landscapes in various parts of the vast country deserve recognition, admiration, and support
The Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks of Russia is a holiday not only for Russian ecologists, it is a holiday for everyone who understands that the nature of the Planet without proper care and respect can gradually die, it is a day for those who think that they will leave a legacy for their descendants