To slow down life processes, animals and rodents hibernate Brown bears, hamsters, gophers, hedgehogs, and badgers fall into a long sleep In the USA and other countries, the symbol of the spring awakening of nature is the groundhog The emergence of this rodent of the squirrel family from its burrow indicates imminent warming Dormice are also found among people This habit can be explained by the division into larks and owls, the characteristics of the body and banal laziness December 7 is World Sleeper Day The people in whose honor this funny holiday was established most often celebrate it in bed
Not only humans, but also representatives of the animal world like to sleep for a long time This is how they restore their strength and accumulate vital resources Marmots can spend 15-18 hours dozing during the day An active possum needs 19 hours of sleep, and a koala needs 22 For lions, like sloths, rest time takes up most of the day and night The king of beasts sleeps for 20 hours A domesticated sloth that doesn't need to hunt for food - for as long as 23 hours
A person's circadian rhythm is designed to keep him awake during the day and asleep at night On average, rest in the dark (which is very important for the production of melatonin, a powerful antioxidant) should last at least 8 hours Nature designed for babies and children to sleep longer During sleep, babies actively release growth hormones, developing memory, the central nervous system and the brain
For adults, night rest is no less important Doctors pay attention to the value of good sleep for health During this wave-like rhythmic process, the muscles, brain and central nervous system rest The duration of rest should be a multiple of 15 hours That is, a person needs to sleep 6, 75 or 9 hours After 10 hours, lymph begins to stagnate in the tissues Therefore, sleeping more than this norm does not bring benefits
Doctors recommend relaxing by taking a vertical position not only at night Sleeping during daylight hours is beneficial for people of all ages In kindergarten, 2-25 hours are allotted for this process Adults are advised to take a nap during the day for no more than 20 minutes or 15 hours, otherwise waking up, especially after sunset, will be accompanied by a feeling of weakness and headache
Sleep lovers do not react in any way to the recommendations of experts For them, there are a number of celebrations throughout the year - from the national Finnish Dormouse Day, which falls on July 27, to World Sleep Day The latter holiday is official and has been celebrated throughout the world in March since 2008 on the initiative of the World Association of Sleep Medicine It is also recommended to have the ninth dream and lie in bed until noon on December 7th It’s good if this date falls on a Saturday or Sunday, when you don’t need to rush to work The comic Day of Sleep Lover encourages everyone who celebrates it to cast aside any doubts, fluff up a pillow, pull a blanket under their nose and surrender to the arms of Morpheus