December 31 is the New Year for everyone - a time of champagne, Olivier and traditional congratulations from the president Azerbaijanis are doubly lucky on this day; they fill their glasses in honor of yet another special holiday For them, this day is a wonderful occasion to also celebrate the Day of Solidarity of Azerbaijanis around the world Even though it only appeared at the end of the 20th century, this holiday is important to them This holiday literally means that the Azerbaijani nation is united, despite the kilometers and borders that separate them
On December 16, 1991, Heydar Aliyev signed a corresponding decree and already on the eve of the passing year, Azerbaijanis around the world had the opportunity to make a double toast for the first time For many millions living in other countries, this date reminds us of belonging to an ancient cultural nation After all, even when living in another country, it is very important to remember the history of your people, to preserve and multiply the cultural values inherent in the nation
It is celebrated, of course, not only by the residents of Azerbaijan, but also by all those who, by the will of fate, live in other countries There are Azerbaijani diasporas all over the world; about 2 million representatives of this nation live in Russia alone The largest has 30 million people, they live in Iran
On December 31, it was the eve of 1989, as a result of a spontaneous crossing across the Soviet-Iranian border, hundreds of Azerbaijanis for the first time had the opportunity to spend the outgoing year together with representatives of the nation who lived in Iran In the same year, in Istanbul, a congress of Azerbaijanis around the world was convened for the first time These two significant events, which had political and cultural consequences for Azerbaijanis, subsequently served as the motive for the creation of the Day of Solidarity and Unity of the Azerbaijani Diaspora