Ecologist Day in Russia

There are probably few people who would not be interested in issues related to the environment, since one way or another, these problems concern each of usEcologist Day in Russia The environment is the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, and the wildlife we ​​interact with And for those who are concerned about the state in which the world around us will pass on to subsequent generations, the principle: “After us, even a flood,” is unacceptable Unfortunately, rapidly developing technological progress causes irreparable harm to our planet and each of us These questions, perhaps not to the same extent as today, were relevant throughout the world already in the seventies of the last century Therefore, on June 5, 1972, the UN held a conference on environmental issues and established a holiday called World Environment Day, or Ecologist's Day It is celebrated in almost all European countries Every year, a new theme for World Environment Day is determined and the host country for the holiday is selected The motto under which the holiday will be held is proclaimed For example, in 2013, the host country was Mongolia, which was not chosen by chance: its government suspended the development of new coal deposits and announced its intentions to obtain energy from inexhaustible sources such as the sun, wind, etc The world community also noted the achievements of this country in environmental education of youth In Russia, Ecologist Day is celebrated relatively recently The date for the holiday was signed by the President in 2007 Who celebrates this holiday? All people and organizations somehow related to ecology and natural resources: Environmental Prosecutor's Office, Ministry of Natural Resources and other public and private environmental organizations This day is also celebrated by teachers and students of universities whose vocation is to protect the environment On the eve of the holiday, many higher educational institutions hold round tables, scientific conferences, and briefings on environmental issues Researchers are looking for approaches to solving this or that problem Lectures are held for school students, the purpose of which is to teach the population, even from school, to take care of the environment and develop a culture of behavior in nature Actions, excursions and open days are organized in nature reserves and national parks Clean-up days are organized, during which the space of a park, courtyard, or alley is put in order - albeit a small one As you know, everything big begins with the small and immediate, therefore all global changes must first begin with yourself

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