Ukraine is located on the European side of the continent The country considers itself to be a Western state The culture of Ukrainians in many ways resembles European culture Therefore, it is not surprising that the authorities decided to unite with Europe In this regard, a new date was included in the calendar of public holidays Every year on the third Saturday of May, local residents celebrate Europe Day The holiday was established by order of the President, signed in the spring of 2003 The main objective of this event is to show your desire to get closer to the members of the European Union and become a full member of this association
The holiday is celebrated by local residents who support government plans Local governments organize all kinds of holiday programs, which include a lot of exciting events Foreign musical groups and singers are very friendly among the Ukrainian population Local residents happily attend events organized by the government, allowing them to get acquainted with European culture, as well as demonstrate their traditions and customs Not only representatives of the younger generation, but also adults take part in the noisy fun with great pleasure
In addition to Ukraine, this date is also celebrated by member countries of the European Union However, abroad it is celebrated on May 9 in honor of the adoption of the Schumann Declaration This event occurred in 1950 During this historical era, the entire planet was engulfed in the so-called arms race, which threatened the death of almost the entire world French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman made a written proposal calling on leading European countries to combine their coal and steel production in order to transfer control over the development of military equipment to the created supranational organization - the ECSC Schumann's actions were the first stage towards the unification of the leading powers
The celebration of Europe Day in Ukraine traditionally begins with the opening ceremony People from all cities come to Mikhailovskaya Square, located in Kyiv As part of the celebration, speeches by ambassadors from EU member states are organized However, the most exciting events take place on the famous Sofia Square: concerts of street musical groups, creative programs of youth groups, fun competitions, tournaments and numerous games for every taste