The basis of this religion is the Revelation of Ahura Mazda - the teaching that was given to Zarathustra, and which he preached to his disciples According to this teaching, good and evil are two different phenomena that have two different sources and have nothing in common with each other Religion gives birth to holidays, which have as their goal not only entertainment, satiation with food, and so on, but also the harmonization of the individual All holidays in Zoroastrianism have a connection with the Sun and do not have an exact date - the calculation is based on the movement of the Sun - according to the degrees in which it moves
The only permanent holiday is the day of the Prophet Zarathushtra, celebrated on the day of the winter solstice, at 30 degrees of the Sun in the Constellation Sagittarius - December 22 This religion had its own spirits that were responsible for their parishes - honesty, good thought, immortality and others Astrology had a very great influence in this religion - according to it, the main days of certain holidays were calculated
Zarathushtra had three wives and six children, among whom were sons and daughters - each of the prophet’s children went about their own business, some continued the teachings of their father
The name of the prophet was used more than once - the famous German thinker Friedrich Nietzsche wrote the book “Thus Spoke Zarathustra”; later the composer Strauss wrote a symphony of the same name Today, Zoroastrianism continues to exist in Afghanistan, Iran, India, and Pakistan And followers of this ancient teaching remain on Russian territory The holiday of Zarathushtra is celebrated annually, chants are dedicated to him, rye bread is baked with a surprise - pieces of paper with predictions are placed in it This bread is called gatami