Mudras, intertwining hands and fingers, have long been part of the ritual sign language of Hinduism and Buddhism It is believed that a certain position of the hands during meditation fills with strength, regulates the level of prana, and directs energy flows in the right direction Many Orthodox saints are depicted on icons with their fingers crossed or joined in a special way This is explained by the fact that Christian righteous people practiced Vedic mudras and were aware of their influence on man and the world around him
Today, crossing hands and fingers is practiced by both yogis and Buddhists living in Asia, as well as people with a Western mentality Thus, Jnana Mudra is used to relieve anxiety and depression, concentrate attention, unleash creativity and improve memory The “Lotus” mudra helps to open the heart towards divine forces and love, to achieve mutual understanding with people around you, “Sink” relieves diseases of the nose and throat, and relieves tension in the vocal cords
In different cultures, connected fingers have their own meaning, which depends on the context of use of the gesture The Slavs, in order to protect themselves from evil spirits, the evil eye, curses and other energy attacks, have long rolled up and hidden a “fig” in their pocket Today, the gesture, which is popularly called “kukish”, is considered obscene Americans and Russians, as a sign of agreement and wishes for a successful outcome, show “OK” with the index finger and thumb connected in a circle In Tunisia this gesture is deciphered as “I will kill you”, in France “You are a complete zero”, in Syria - “Go to hell”
The split of the Russian Church into the Old Believers and the Orthodox led to the fact that believers began to make the sign of the cross in different ways Adherents of Patriarch Nikon, the initiator of the reforms of the 1650s, used three fingers, adherents of long-standing traditions - two Europeans cross their index and middle fingers in a special way “for good luck,” but in Judaism there is a religious ban on their interlacing An unusual holiday has been established in honor of the gestures that a person makes with his hands Finger Crossing Day is celebrated on December 19th every year
Mudras are used not only to normalize a person’s physical and mental state, but also for magical purposes In combination with affirmations and mantras, fingers intertwined in a special way cleanse the human biofield of foreign inclusions, help increase well-being and connect to financial flows Therefore, the holiday celebrated on December 19, those who are not happy with their financial situation, should devote to the beginning of the practice of the mudras “Kubera”, “Attracting money”, etc
It is believed that crossing fingers helps to fulfill a cherished wish To do this, you need to concentrate on your dream, cast aside all doubts and join your hands in the “Surabhi” mudra With the help of magical gestures, you can also melt your heart and attract the attention of your lover, connect to the Akashic Chronicles, the information field of the Earth, achieve connection with your higher self and other spiritual heights Trust your intuition and believe in your own strength! Crossing Fingers Day encourages you to test the effectiveness of mudras and other sacred gestures in practice