Bright and colorful fireworks are an indispensable part of the holiday Like sparklers with firecrackers that throw confetti and streamers into the air According to a long-standing tradition, the loud sounds of fireworks are supposed to scare away evil spirits and other infernal entities whose peak activity occurs at night New Year celebrations using pyrotechnics continue during daylight hours Therefore, January 1 is celebrated as a funny Firecracker Release Day
From the depths of the cardboard sleeve, to the delight of adults and children, shiny confetti, rolls of streamers, and sometimes surprises burst out: inflatable balls, small figurines of animals and signs of the Zodiac To activate the firecracker, you need to pull the string, loop or cord The pyrotechnic device is triggered by using a mixture of berthollet salt and red phosphorus, which is sensitive to friction
It is believed that the cracker was invented in 1847 by the English confectioner Thomas Smith The baker went down in history as the inventor of the "Christmas cracker" - a festive table decoration that makes a clicking sound when it is opened Inside the tube, which resembles a large candy in a wrapper, Smith came up with the idea of putting paper hats, jewelry, fans, a note with wishes and other little things While breaking the cracker, sparks flew in all directions and a pop was heard, after which a surprise appeared to everyone's joy
Today, crackers in the form of huge candies, which must be broken into two parts by turning them in different directions, are used to put sweets, toys, jewelry, notes with riddles and other little things Christmas crackers are made with your own hands or purchased in stores, broken at the festive table or at the spruce tree The sound of a firecracker creates a playful and festive mood for people of all ages Therefore, grateful descendants installed a memorial fountain in London in honor of Thomas Smith and his family
According to another version, the cracker appeared thanks to the tradition of using dry thin sticks that made loud sounds in China more than 2,000 years ago "Baozhu" ("crackling bamboo") helped fight the mythical unicorn Nian - a wild and terrible beast that terrified the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire According to legends, he devoured everything that came his way - crops, animals and even people The red clothes, the noise of drums and fireworks were supposed to scare Nanny In addition, the crackling sound of the baozhu helped to ward off wild animals, which often encroached on people's food supplies during the cold season
Fireworks make the heart skip a beat and delight the eye with colorful visual effects Just as all fireworks in honor of the New Year must shoot into the sky, so all firecrackers must be released Those who came up with an unusual holiday in honor of this pyrotechnic device, celebrated with noise and roar on January 1, are sure of this