Fun Holidays - Celebration of the Senses

Aristotle was the first to list and describe the five human senses in his treatise On the Soul: hearing, taste, smell, sight and touchFun Holidays - Celebration of the Senses The list is often supplemented with a sixth point - intuition, which acts in opposition to the rational and logical understanding of the world Scientists include in the list nociception (pain perception), balance, thermoception (skin sensation of heat), proprioception (body awareness) Without feelings, human life would be boring and monotonous, and comprehension of the laws of the physical world would be difficult People and events that happen cause us joy, fear, interest, anger, surprise, contempt or guilt Emotions saturate our lives with experiences, allowing us to enjoy rhythmic music, delicious food, fragrant flowers and beautiful paintings Feelings are a source of inspiration for creative people and natural scientists who explore the world in all its diversity A holiday was established in honor of the processes of internal regulation of human activity June 24 is the Celebration of the Senses The funny Feast of the Senses appeared on the calendar thanks to the Americans Tom and Ruth Roy The couple came up with more than 80 unusual celebrations that make our everyday lives brighter and richer It has been proven that a person receives 90% of information through vision, 9% through hearing, and the remaining 1% comes from other senses The absence of any of them makes our life incomplete, depriving us of the joy of being Understanding the importance of feelings for a person, Thomas and Ruth established an unusual holiday On June 24, it is customary to give flowers, sing your favorite songs, look at the world with wide open gasps, wanting to experience its beauty, external and internal harmony In honor of the holiday, parties are held with competitions, where people demonstrate the capabilities of their senses and compete in expressing emotions Someone with closed gases guesses the names of perfume aromas or identifies objects by touch, while someone plays a melody on the piano or guitar from memory Particularly popular is the demonstration of the “sixth sense” in the form of telepathy, clairvoyance and immersion in regressive hypnosis People, wanting to learn to foresee the future, are engaged in opening the “third eye”, guessing the intended numbers and suits of inverted cards, deciphering signs and prophetic dreams Developed intuition makes life easier, making it bright and memorable thanks to extrasensory perception No less important for full interaction with the outside world are the five basic senses In Aristotle’s hierarchy, at the top of the pyramid are the intellectual ones: sight and hearing, at the bottom are the animal, or instinctive ones: taste, charm and touch The Feast of Senses encourages people to enjoy the possibilities of experiencing different feelings and experiencing emotions

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