Hugs are generally considered the perfect cure for any mental illness, which is why they have been given their own day on the calendar Hug a Friend Day is celebrated annually on April 26th
Hugs bring a lot of benefits to the body and help to easily cheer up even the saddest person Why is this happening? During a mutual hug, a hormone such as oxytocin is released into the blood It provides a decrease in blood pressure, heart rate and, most importantly, the production of stress hormones Oxytocin reduces anxiety and improves memory and mood Hugs are used as a way to express feelings and can replace thousands of words Very often, such a sign of attention is used to support a person in difficult times or to console him in a difficult situation
According to Italian doctors who conducted relevant studies, hugs help prolong youth and are a kind of elixir of longevity Those people who are able to give joy and affection to their loved ones and friends with hugs live longer than gloomy and constantly sad people Among other things, hugs can be called a kind of exercise for the chest, which improves blood circulation and, as a result, a person’s well-being Hugs are very useful for young children, as they give them a feeling of security and calm, which relieves fears and stress, and also increases self-esteem
On this day, one of the main types of congratulations and gifts is undoubtedly the hugs that people give each other Also, relatives and friends exchange various pleasant wishes and small gifts, that is, they show all kinds of signs of attention in order to give joy to their loved ones Also on this day, all over the world there is a tradition of organizing flash mobs, in which people hug all passers-by, giving them positivity and charging them with a good mood At the same time, almost no one refuses hugs and takes part in the general fun with pleasure
Therefore, on this holiday, be sure to please all your friends with your hugs and tell them a few warm words that will make their day a little happier and brighter Moreover, such a gift requires absolutely no costs or other efforts, and the effect is unforgettable and leaves a pleasant feeling for a long time