Art has probably been around as long as human civilization It is valued both for its beauty and for the happiness it gives to those who see it The first artifacts of human art discovered by archaeologists date back to the Stone Age Over time, various art forms such as painting, music, theater, sculpture, dance, poetry and photography developed
Of the wide range of works of art created in the world, the works that bring us to tears or joyful laughter stay with us for a lifetime Whether we are moved by music or glimpsed into the soul of an artist through his work, art has the power to change us, to inspire our hearts
Art allows a person to express their own imagination and creativity It is also a form of communication that overcomes language barriers Art plays an important role in various aspects such as recreational therapy, raising awareness and evoking all kinds of emotions
This day encourages us to explore many genres of art and get inspired
"The purpose of art is to wash away the dust of everyday life from our souls" - Pablo Picasso
The history, origin and year of Inspire Your Heart with Art Day are unknown The founder of this Day is also not exactly known However, the celebration of Art Day is supported by various arts organizations The day is designed to celebrate all forms of art and their impact on your heart Explore many genres of art as each art is valued and appreciated in its own way Art is a form of feeling that inspires, uplifts and touches the soul, heart and mind This day is the best time to take a closer look at art and understand what the artist is trying to say through it Open your mind and heart to listen to art as it has the power to inspire our hearts
Because art comes in many forms, there are countless ways to celebrate We provide only brief information on how to participate We hope this inspires you to spend your day bringing art into your heart• Visit an art gallery• Attend a theater performance• Read a good book• Listen to good music• Attend a ballet• Start creating your own “masterpiece”• Teach someone play a musical instrument or teach yourself• Watch an inspiring movie• Share your art with others