Fun Holidays - International Plastic Bag Free Day

Scientific and technological revolution of the twentieth centuryFun Holidays - International Plastic Bag Free Day marked by many discoveries One of them was completely synthetic plastic, which was invented and patented in 1907 by the Belgian chemist L Baekeland This polymer material has firmly entered the life of modern man It is used to make toothbrushes, computer keyboards, bottles, food containers and much more The most common type of plastic is polyethylene According to one version, it was invented in 1933 by engineers E Fawcett and R Gibson from the ICI chemical trust, who 2 years later began using the new material in the production of telephone cables According to another, polyethylene was obtained in 1936 by researcher E Fawcett from England and Soviet scientist AI Dintses Today, the material in the form of flexible film is actively used for the production of bags for storing and carrying things The first plastic bag appeared in 1957 in the USA Bread was packed in it By 1966, up to 30% of baked goods in America were packaged in plastic bags instead of paper The first bags with handles appeared in the 1970s In Western Europe, their production at this time reached 115 million units per year In 1996, PE bags accounted for 80% of the global packaging market Polyethylene film is valued for its strength, functionality and ease of production However, this synthetic material, which fills all landfills, has a significant disadvantage - its decomposition in natural conditions lasts from 100 to 200 years Bags are part of the 13 million plastic waste that litter the world's oceans Fish mistake floating pieces of bags for jellyfish and eat them, which leads to their poisoning Microplastic particles have been found in the stomachs of 35% of Pacific Ocean marine life Fish contaminated with plastic end up on people's tables and are eaten by turtles, petrels and other birds Water and soil pollution has become a global problem That's why July 3 is celebrated as International Day to Stop Plastic Bags International Plastic Bag Free Day encourages people to think about the state of the environment According to the initiators of the holiday, Bag Free World, manufacturers around the world should switch from disposable polyethylene bags to producing eco-friendly paper bags On June 3, people concerned about the state of nature participate in events aimed at raising awareness of the harm and dangers posed by polyethylene On average, a person needs a bag for 25 minutes, which he spends carrying things, and then throws it away The toxins released into the air by plastic bags rotting in landfills lead to environmental disasters and the development of cancer among the population Packages in the ocean cause the death of coastal fish, seabirds and animals International Plastic Bag Free Day is an eco-friendly alternative aimed at preserving the environment and preventing plastic pollution International Plastic Bag Free Day encourages all concerned people to opt for paper packaging and reusable carrying bags You should show awareness and take care of nature not only on July 3 in honor of the holiday, but throughout the year

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