Fun Holidays - Reach as High as You Can Day

The Olympic motto is "Citius, altius, fortius!" translated as "Faster, higher, stronger!" This call motivates participants in sports competitions to demonstrate the best resultsFun Holidays - Reach as High as You Can Day In ordinary life, people also make plans with specific goals - they set themselves a high bar and strive to jump over it “Achieve More” Day, which is celebrated on April 14, encourages you not to stop at the conquered peaks and give your best in honor of the holiday Many people take Reach as High as You Can Day literally The fun celebration includes jumping on a trampoline, taking hot air balloon rides, climbing mountain peaks and attending helicopter piloting workshops “Achieve More” Day is actively celebrated by people striving for professional heights and achievements in their personal lives This holiday is ideal for believing in yourself and taking risks: asking your boss for a promotion, proposing marriage, participating in kart racing or shooting at a shooting range You can achieve more both physically and metaphorically Often stereotypes and destructive internal attitudes hinder the conquest of peaks: “It’s not like Senka’s hat”, “I’m not worthy of this”, “Know your cricket pole”, etc Therefore, in order to celebrate Reach as High as You Can Day, it is necessary to carry out a large internal work and overcome yourself first Winning a chess tournament after numerous losses, proving a theorem that was too difficult for fellow mathematicians, writing a song that became a hit - all these are examples of great achievements And often they are achieved not thanks to, but despite the prevailing circumstances Staying in your comfort zone is, of course, more convenient than striving for something new with unpredictable consequences that can radically change your life Therefore, start on April 14 with small achievements if you are not internally prepared for sharp turns of fate Someone can try to reach the highest shelf with a book they want to read without using a ladder, someone can stop being afraid of falling and finally roller-skate to the end of the alley To celebrate Reach as High as You Can Day, you can celebrate any achievement - from a personal record in the gym to the longest meditation in your life Are you plagued by doubts about the reported powers? Don't despair, even if it doesn't work out Anyone who tried to overcome himself gained invaluable experience Therefore, he will never regret asking the question: “What if?” The “Achieve More” day was invented for big and small tests, testing one’s own strengths and conquering new horizons

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