Fun Holidays - Take a Chance Day

The philosopher and writer Walter is credited with the authorship of the expression: “Risk is a noble causeFun Holidays - Take a Chance Day” This approach calls for a brave and courageous person to put everything on the line, regardless of the arguments of reason Not everyone can take a risk and take advantage of the chance to fulfill a dream or achieve a goal For people who do not believe in fortune and doubt their abilities, an unusual holiday has been invented April 23 is Seize Your Chance Day The holiday encourages you to take a leap into the unknown, casting aside any fears and doubts This principle guides adventurers of all stripes, including those who bet on horse races and play in casinos The ability to calculate the results of one’s actions, well-developed intuition and the desire to take risks are characteristic of representatives of a number of professions The writer Chingiz Abdullayev in one of his books describes two types of criminal investigation workers The first is leisurely and scrupulous pragmatists In stressful working conditions, the second type also survives - these are gambling detectives who love adventure and surprise The second name of Take a Chance Day is the Day of Change “He who doesn’t take risks, doesn’t drink champagne,” this saying was coined by Formula 1 car racers April 23 provides everyone with the opportunity to succumb to excitement and do what they previously lacked the confidence and courage to do And although young people are more prone to risk and adventure, you can try to reach your potential at any age The words of the song from the popular cartoon about the adventures of pirates and the boy Jimmy “Treasure Island” are an excellent illustration of a situation in which a person is given the opportunity to go beyond the usual and do something out of the ordinary Looking at failure in a philosophical way helps overcome the fear of failure: by taking a risk, you did not lose, but learned a lesson He will teach someone mental fortitude, help someone to reconsider their life priorities, and convince others to engage in careful planning to get what they want in the future “If fate gives you lemons, make lemonade out of them,” Dale Carnegie, a speaker and writer, turned to this proverb, shaping a positive outlook on life in his listeners and readers You can always try to turn negative circumstances and situations, including the failure of a risky business or adventure, in your favor Don't lose optimism and try to overcome fear, believing in the benevolence of fate and your own strength, calls for the "Take a Chance" Day

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