Fun Holidays - World Doll Day

Man learned to make figurines of people from wood, bone, fabric and other materials at the very early stages of the development of civilizationFun Holidays - World Doll Day Dolls served as talismans and amulets and were used during religious rituals and mysteries In Ancient Greece and Rome, toys acted as characters in comedies and tragedies, and in the Middle Ages they became an integral part of public theater In Rus', figurines made of wood, thread and straw were used to protect against evil forces In Africa and South America, voodoo dolls are still used today in black magic rituals The oldest toy that has reached us, called Paddle doll by scientists, is 4 thousand years old A wooden figurine with hair made from clay beads was found in Thebes in the tomb of an Egyptian pharaoh She received the name Paddle doll (“paddle doll”) for her flat body shape A holiday has been established in honor of one of the most popular children's toys in the world Every year on the second Saturday of June, World Doll Day is celebrated The holiday appeared on the calendar in 1986 thanks to the American Mildred Seeley The emblem of the celebration is the image of a girl holding a doll in her hands World Doll Day was founded by a woman who spent her entire life collecting antique toys, without ever having visited France, Germany or other regions where they were made M Seely collected works by master puppeteers Albert Marquet, Fernand Gautier, Armand Marcel, Pierre François Jumeau, and Jules Nicholas Steiner In 2002, the sale of her collection set a world record - one of the copies was sold for 215 thousand dollars Today, the most popular products on store shelves are the iconic Barbie, LOL babies and the heroines of the cartoon Monster High However, their appearance and workmanship contrast sharply with examples made in the 19th and early 20th centuries Each of the antique bisque dolls, made of unglazed porcelain, is a work of art, an example of unique style and charm M Seeley is the founder of Seeley's and the Guild of Doll Makers, publishing the monthly magazine DOLLS Beautiful She wrote many books on the history of toy creation and organized the production of plates depicting beauties with plump cheeks and bow-shaped lips The founder of World Doll Day loved antiques Therefore, on the second Saturday in June, antique lovers visit museums and toy exhibitions, where they get acquainted with rare collectibles A holiday is a great reason to sort out the boxes in the attic of your home, reminisce, find and give your favorite doll to your child World Doll Day invites people with big and kind hearts to engage in charity work In honor of World Doll Day, people buy toys and visit orphanages and hospitals with gifts

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