On August 7, a funny holiday is celebrated - All-Russian Singles Day Modern men, unlike their ancestors, are in no hurry to tie themselves with the knot of Hymen Today, the trend is for singles and singles - self-sufficient bachelors who do not plan to go to the registry office
The current state of affairs is explained in different ways In society, the institution of marriage - patriarchal foundations and religion - no longer plays such a big role Thus, in Catholic Italy, due to pressure from the church on the state, official divorces were prohibited until 1971 Marcello Mastroianni, who was in love with Catherine Deneuve, could not divorce his wife because of this And this is in the era of hippies, scientific and technological progress and the fight for gender equality!
The modern man is helped to arrange his life and organize order in his home by silent assistants who, unlike wives, do not demand anything in return - robotic vacuum cleaners, automatic washing machines and other technical devices So, in fact, there is no need for a bachelor to rush to get a stamp in his passport Except for the sake of great love
With a joke for life: It is a very dangerous misconception that married men live longer than single men Life just seems longer to them
Women do not always dream of marrying their neighbor or work colleague Their hearts are also broken by famous actors who are rich, famous and still not married Unfortunately, George Clooney, who got married, can no longer be counted among the inveterate bachelors of Hollywood, in whom the sultry macho finally had children by the age of 56 But the handsome Gerard Butler and Leonardo DiCaprio, Keanu Reeves and Colin Farrell still do not have wedding rings Those who prefer men with noble gray hair and wise experience are advised to pay attention to Al Pacino At 81, the actor has never been married And perhaps he is still searching
With a joke for life: If a bachelor bought himself a washing machine and dishwasher, his chances of getting married are reduced by 80%
There are also many available men among Russian celebrities Danila Kozlovsky, Marat Safin, Milos Bikovich - socialites and smaller predators dream of getting them into their networks However, psychologists warn that bachelors have many skeletons in their closet that determine their attitude towards women - from an authoritarian mother to unrequited feelings and mental trauma in their youth They may be “married” to financial success and work, or they may not have room in their hearts to love anyone but themselves
With a joke from life: As I look at it on the Internet, at the resort: all men are bachelors
One of the psychologists humorously described convinced singles: “An old bachelor is a cunning bitch It only seems that he is an ordinary man In fact, for many women he turns out to be more dangerous than home-grown philanderers” And indeed, if a man is over 45, he is successful, outwardly attractive, physically healthy, has no mental disabilities and has never been married, this leads one to think Does he not want to continue his family line and leave behind offspring? Still haven’t met the one and only one? Is a man afraid to take responsibility for his wife and children?
Unmarried women have a lot of questions for bachelors Mothers of convinced singles are not always happy with the state of things either - after all, their sons deprive them of the opportunity to babysit their grandchildren, teach their daughter-in-law about life, gossip about her with friends and experience a lot of other small joys The state is also concerned about the state of things - a tax on childlessness, which public organizations periodically demand to introduce, can increase the birth rate By the way, it was paid by bachelors of the USSR from November 1941 to January 1992 In the Soviet Union, only monks who were obliged to observe a vow of celibacy were exempt from contributions to the budget for childlessness
The initiative to introduce a tax in modern Russia did not find approval among State Duma deputies And women have not yet taken to the streets with nets to catch unmarried representatives of the stronger half of humanity Therefore, I would like to wish single men a successful celebration of All-Russian Singles Day on August 7th Have fun from the heart and to the fullest - perhaps next year this holiday will no longer have anything to do with you