Coincidences that are strange from the point of view of probability theory often make people think about the intervention of higher powers in their lives Science cannot explain the cause of fantastic events and their sequence What is the probability that a book will fall off the shelf and open to a page that contains the answer to the question asked? Why on earth would a friend you remembered 5 minutes ago suddenly call after six months of silence? These and other non-random coincidences are discussed on January 20 on the Day of Amazing Coincidences
“A brick will never fall on anyone’s head for no reason,” Woland said in “The Master and Margarita” Perhaps everything that happens in our lives has a cause-and-effect relationship that is invisible and incomprehensible to an ordinary person The nature of most coincidences is inexplicable from the point of view of mathematics, statistics, and the laws of social existence The prediction of accidents is explained by intuition, the manifestation of clairvoyance and other abilities of the human psyche, which are preceded by signs of fate
History knows of cases when, by a strange coincidence, some passengers did not get on a train or plane due to being late This saved their lives by not dying in the disaster 14 people who had booked cabins and were crew members missed out on the ill-fated Titanic due to an unexpected twist of fate Some were delayed by business, others were given special signs on the eve of the trip: for example, businessman John Middleton had a terrible dream about a shipwreck for a couple of nights in a row He shared the story of the Titanic disaster with his family and friends
Mark Twain was born in 1835 as Halley's Comet passed the Earth The cycle of movement of this celestial body is 76 years By a strange coincidence, the writer who predicted exactly this date of his death died on the first day of the comet's passage near the Earth in 1910 The circumstances of death are related to Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy Both US presidents died from a gunshot wound to the back of the head on Friday before the big holidays - Thanksgiving and Easter Both were accompanied by their wives on the last trip in their lives Both Lincoln and Kennedy had 4 children, secretaries named Mrs Lincoln, and the successors of the two presidents were called Johnsons
Fortune is repeatedly favorable to some people An American named Matthew survived the attack on the towers in New York in September 2001 and the attack on the Bataclan theater 14 years later in Paris Nurse Violet Jessup worked on the ship Olympic, which collided with the cruiser HMS Hawke in 1911, survived the Titanic disaster and was not injured in the sinking of the hospital ship Britannic, which hit a mine in November 1916 For such amazing luck, the woman received the nickname Miss Unsinkable
The cartoon "The Simpsons" predicted Trump's triumph in 2000 - 20 years after the businessman won the presidential election 3 days before Hitler’s attack on the USSR, Soviet archaeologists discovered the tomb of Tamerlane The tomb of Genghis Khan's heir was located in Uzbekistan The inscription on it warned: “Whoever opens my tomb will free an invader more terrible than me” This did not stop archaeologists who did not believe in superstitions, and on June 22, 1941, the country was attacked by fascist invaders
The amazing day of coincidences, which is celebrated on January 20, makes us think that many coincidences are not accidental They are a consequence of the action of laws of the Universe unknown to people, about which humanity still knows so little