In honor of artists representing the underground in painting, cinema, music and literature, an unusual holiday was established, celebrated on January 19 It is dedicated to informals and rebels who are cramped within the framework of officialdom The first sprouts of counterculture, opposing itself to the traditional art forms of bourgeois society, arose in the United States in the 1950-1960s In the USSR, the underground appeared a little later - 10-15 years later A striking example of this is the Bulldozer Exhibition of 1974, during which paintings by 20 artists whose vision of art did not correspond to the party line were destroyed In memory of these pages of history and in honor of all dissident creative people, a holiday was established - Outlaw Artist Day
For a long time, jazz, like punk and rock music, was considered bad manners against the backdrop of classical works Street art with graffiti still finds it difficult to fit into the generally accepted framework, which does not welcome artists’ experiments with traditional genres and styles However, new trends in art over time begin to take their rightful place among the classic works
Artist as Outlaw Day is celebrated by nonconformists whose creative views contradict ideological dogmas, aesthetic principles of mass culture and the mainstream Representatives of the underground are often persecuted by censorship and the authorities for their irreconcilable position Yes, these artists are characterized by shockingness, a spirit of rebellion and provocation They live by their own rules and often express dissatisfaction with the state ideology However, what was recently considered underground, over time becomes a classic of modern art
Jazz, the music of black people, was banned for decades But the combination of the power of African rhythmicity and European melody was able to overcome the existing dogmas of this genre T Monk, A Blakey, D Gillespie, D Ellington, B Holliday and B Goodman are world-famous masters of jazz improvisation At various times, at the dawn of the emergence of movements, representatives of academic art were attacked by impressionists, Dadaists, primitivists and abstractionists Now their paintings adorn the art collections of museums around the world and private collections
Everything new is well forgotten old This maxim applies not only to fashion, but also to the underground Its representatives create works of art, largely relying on the existing achievements of human culture The new appears as a result of overcoming prohibitions and violating classical canons; it arises at the intersection of various genres and trends Every creative person has the right to freedom of expression Therefore, all rebels and informalists who create contemporary art and defend their point of view on the world around them celebrate the Day of the Outlaw Artist on January 19