Funny Holidays - Birthday Soda

Water containing carbon dioxide is a product of natural sources or the result of its artificial saturation with carbon dioxideFunny Holidays - Birthday Soda The thirst-quenching drink obtained in this way is not only pleasant to the taste, but also healthy The famous heart surgeon Leo Boqueria claims that oxygen dissolved in soda kills harmful aerobic and anaerobic bacteria living in the intestines Therefore, water cleanses the gastrointestinal tract from harmful microorganisms no worse than any medicine Seltzer, club soda, mineral water are some of the many names for sparkling water, whose birthday is celebrated on April 24 The date of the funny holiday is associated with the receipt in 1833 of a patent for this seemingly ordinary soft drink The invention quickly found application in industry The installation for making carbonated water was invented in 1873 by a native of Germany, Jacob Schwepp He is known as the founder of the Schweppes brand With the light hand of a resident of Hesse, the water received the name “soda”, because In order to reduce the cost of production, Schwepp began to use sodium bicarbonate instead of carbon dioxide 13 years later, the Coca-Cola company became the first company to begin producing and selling sweet carbonated drinks Despite the fact that the patent for water was issued on April 24, 1833, the time of its creation is considered to be 1767 This year, the English chemist D Priestley, as a result of experiments at a brewery with carbon dioxide, discovered one of its properties - the ability to saturate water with gas The scientist observed the process of fermentation of the intoxicating drink in vats and the bubbles released during this process Under the containers with brewing beer, Priestley placed containers with water, which as a result of the experiment became carbonated The chemist liked this non-alcoholic drink And in 1791, having developed a formula for saturating liquids with carbon dioxide, Priestley received the first bottle of carbonated water Over time, siphons appeared in homes, cafes and restaurants in America and other countries of the world In Tsarist Russia, sparkling water was sold in bottles and called seltzer after the name of the natural spring Niederselters In addition to siphons, gasogens (vessels from two interconnected glass balls) and bottles with a coded neck (Codd neck) were used to produce the drink Over time, sparkling water began to be sweetened, flavors and dyes were added, and used to prepare alcoholic cocktails - for example, whiskey and compari with soda Artesian wells are suppliers of literally life-giving moisture for the human body Natural springs provide people with healthy water, rich in microelements and minerals It is carbonated to preserve its healing properties during long-term storage, transportation and to improve taste Water is also used in everyday life to remove stains The gas dissolved in it acts as a surfactant, effectively cleaning the fabric from coffee, red wine and other contaminants Using soda in deep fryers makes the batter shell lighter, giving the food a taste similar to tempura-cooked meat or fish Paying tribute to all the listed qualities of the drink, on April 24, the birthday of sparkling water is celebrated all over the world

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