Since ancient times, mead, mash and beer in Rus' have been consumed at feasts, games and funeral feasts Our ancestors learned to make wine, the recipe for which was borrowed from Byzantium, in the 10th century All these intoxicating drinks were not so much intoxicating as invigorating The tradition of drinking strong alcohol appeared only in the second half of the 15th century, when moonshine began to be obtained as a result of processing rye Its closest "relative", vodka, is today considered to be the national Russian drink All connoisseurs of strong alcohol with glasses in their hands celebrate the funny Day of Alcohol Swallowers on June 19th
According to the official version, vodka was invented by DI Mendeleev Although the forty-degree mixture of alcohol and water was known long before the great scientist defended his dissertation in January 1865 In the Novgorod Chronicle of 1533, vodka is called an alcoholic medicinal tincture Later the word began to be used to refer to an alcoholic drink
In the famous musical composition of the Mumiy Troll group there is a phrase: “Do you like vodka? This is difficult water” Indeed, after heavy libations in the morning, it is difficult to tear your head off the pillow Nevertheless, it is this drink that burns the larynx that is preferred by the adult population of Russia and emigrants living far from their homeland During times of shortages and the anti-alcohol campaign, MS Gorbachev, connoisseurs of “little white” were forced to switch to drinking pure alcohol, pharmaceutical tinctures and even cologne And although the Poles, Finns and representatives of other northern peoples are involved in the brewing and production of vodka, it is considered a traditional Russian drink
Alcohol Day is celebrated in many countries around the world In Japan, in honor of the holiday, sake is poured into glasses, the strength of which, as a rule, does not exceed 15 degrees Alcohol drinkers from Venezuela raise glasses of bitter Angostura on June 19, which was originally considered a medicine and is now included in cocktails In Korea, June 19 is celebrated with a glass of soju in hand, the strength of which varies between 18-45% In Italy, alcohol drinkers pour grappa into glasses, which foreigners often mistakenly call wine This grape drink can reach a strength of 36-55 degrees, which is why grappa is jokingly called the sister of cognac and other brandies
In Australia and India, on June 19, they drink dark rum, the homeland of which is considered to be the island of Barbados Connoisseurs of strong alcohol from Greece celebrate the Day of Spirits with Ouzu, an aromatic drink infused with herbs In the USA, Canada, Ireland and Scotland they drink whiskey or bourbon in honor of the holiday, in France - cognac, and in Mexico - tequila Drinking strong alcohol is part of the national culture of many peoples around the world Therefore, the funny Day of Alcohol Swallowers is widely celebrated both in Russia and abroad