All over the globe, the most unusual holidays are celebrated from year to year And, as a rule, they are invented by people trying to look at life from a non-standard angle, supplement it with inspiration, or just have a lot of fun Such holidays are often built on things that many consider trivial However, in reality it is often worth it
For example, January 17 is the Day of Appeasing the Telephone Deity And who would not agree that such a device as a telephone occupies a very important place in the life of every person? Yes, each of us in the current realities simply cannot imagine our life without a phone He is always with a person, even when he sleeps
So, sometimes it is because of him that various kinds of incidents occur After all, the one who sits on the phone is capricious He keeps in touch with the entire Celestial Empire and understands how important his work is And sometimes he doesn’t mind making a joke Then it begins to connect with the wrong person And sometimes, in principle, it refuses to connect, no matter how much we wait for this call Common situation? And at this moment the person begins to make circles one after another, while hypnotizing his device And sometimes patience comes to an end and this very device flies straight into the wall from rage
But in reality, everything turns out to be much simpler All that is required is to pour a glass of something tasty and keep him company (an obligatory ritual is to clink glasses with the phone) And there are other equally good options For example, get up in the morning, collect a bag of “goodies” and give it to all the honest telephone fraternity living in the house And most importantly, do not forget to promise to say only the best
Or you can generally have a blast with him, twirling in a fiery dance There are also those who, to appease us, arrange interesting quests so that phones do not disrupt our plans and do not distort what is said They overcome a wide variety of obstacles arranged by the deity
So on January 17, it is customary to appease the telephone deity so that at the other end of the line they talk to you politely, to the point, and the connection is not interrupted After all, the holiday itself is an excellent reason to have fun and bring the most daring and extravagant ideas to life Why not?