The main magical tool in esotericism is the power of intention Thanks to visualization and the inner confidence that everything you dream about is possible, a person creates and changes reality The power of intention behind desire attracts certain circumstances, events and people In order for plans for the future to come true, you need to clearly and clearly understand what you want Abstract things are less accessible than what you imagine down to the smallest detail
In the imagination of a person indulging in fantasies, vivid images associated with his dream arise And the clearer and more colorful the pictures that emerge in your head, the more real and tangible they become The founders of this fun holiday decided to use an unusual way to push all dreamers towards their goal February 5th is the Day of Coloring Plans for the Future
For drawing, both bright and contrasting colors and discreet, muted and pastel colors are used Plans come in many varieties: strategic and grandiose, bold and realistic, impressive and cunning Each situation has its own colors It is better to give the dream of having a baby in the family a soft blue, beige or pink tint An optimistic and sunny yellow with splashes of green and red will suit the idea of renovating a dacha in the summer
Secret desires that have been given a dark gray or dirty brown hue are unlikely to come true If a person’s subconscious paints the future in such gloomy colors, then there is no need to talk about the implementation of grandiose and inspiring plans Dreams of beauty are clothed in gold, amaranth and lilac, smoky gray and silver shades
It would be wise to color dreams of moving up the career ladder in red, the color of challenge and struggle, adding calming green and serene blue to it Because after righteous labors and promotion, a period of inner peace and mental balance will come Dreams about an upcoming trip to Spain should be given a shade of mahogany, mustard and café au lait, painted in orange and terracotta, and a trip to Africa - in red, black, white and yellow
Some people associate the word “dream” with rainbow and rich colors, while others associate it with calm and pastel colors Coloring plans for the future is a creative process that helps to program reality and give it the desired vector of development Choosing the color for your dreams is a matter of taste and personal preference Therefore, trust your own intuition on February 5th - create a palette with the right colors and shades and decorate your plans for the future!