Funny Holidays - Day of Rooted Traditions

Customs and traditions strengthen the connection between generations of the family, contribute to the cohesion and unity of the people, preserving their identity and regulating relations within societyFunny Holidays - Day of Rooted Traditions The world is very diverse and many-sided The peoples inhabiting the planet have a culture and way of life formed over centuries, of which customs are part Their knowledge not only simplifies communication between people of different races and nationalities, but also enriches spiritually and intellectually July 17 is the Day of Rooted Traditions The patterns of behavior that have developed in society, related to the history of a people or state, are passed on from generation to generation Some traditions are a consequence of people’s way of life, the religion they profess, superstitions or observations of natural phenomena Such customs include, for example, Christian holidays, many of which have been celebrated since pagan times: Maslenitsa, Ivan Kupala, Easter At the everyday level, traditions are manifested in the observance of rituals In Japan it is a tea ceremony, in India it is a noisy celebration of the festival of lights of Devali and the colors of Holi, in Finland it is a visit to the sauna every Saturday Another part of the traditions appeared as a consequence of the decision of the country's political elite or government authorities Victory Day, February 23 or Russia Day are recent celebrations in the thousand-year history of the Slavs that help unite the people and stabilize social relations Some public holidays and traditions of their implementation solve not only global problems, but also less significant ones, participating in the unity of family members, such as Thanksgiving Day in the USA Every fourth Thursday in November for more than 400 years, Americans have gathered for a gala dinner, the main course of which is stuffed turkey Traditions are not only holidays, but also ceremonies (Oscars or Nobel Prizes), social norms of greeting (bowing as a sign of respect), the use of impractical but meaningful clothing and accessories (the wearing of white wigs by judges in the UK) The conservative approach dismantles Muslim society from the role and place of the fair sex in it What seems anachronistic and savage to a European, women raised in the traditions of Islam consider the norm Respect for one's own culture and national customs contributes to the connection between generations and the strengthening of religious beliefs Some of the foundations are based on norms of public morality and moral values, and therefore are found among many peoples of the world This is a respectful and respectful attitude towards older people and pregnant women, celebrating birthdays and weddings, and celebrating the New Year The customs of most nationalities include hospitality, giving gifts on important occasions, care and love for children These unwritten laws unite people all over the globe, who celebrate the Day of Rooted Traditions on July 17th

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