In Rus', healers and sorcerers have been revered since ancient times Sorcerers treated people and domestic animals for illnesses, predicted the weather, made amulets to protect against evil spirits, and removed damage and evil eyes Magi and shamans had occult knowledge, so they could communicate with natural deities and elements, predicting the future The sorcerers passed on their knowledge by inheritance to blood relatives or students Everyone who believes in magic and otherworldly forces celebrates the Day of Witches on January 28th
In the Middle Ages, people with supernatural abilities were persecuted by the Christian church Witch hunts in the “Dark Ages” took the form of criminal prosecution, which, as a rule, ended with the burning of magicians at the stake Often angry crowds carried out lynchings The decision to apply punishment was made by the Inquisition, which fought against heresy When considering cases of witchcraft and connections with the devil, torture was often used against suspects Due to torture and false denunciations in the Middle Ages, many people who had no relation to the Black Book were executed
Superstitions, witchcraft, casting out demons from people are still prohibited by Christianity today The Church does not approve of the flock's visits to healers, who refer to spirits and the other world when treating the sick Christianity does not deny the fact that man is possessed by dark forces, but wants to reserve a monopoly on the healing of believers Specially trained exorcist priests are engaged in expelling infernal entities
For thousands of years, the Church has been trying to eradicate pagan beliefs from the memory of the people, which the Slavs are in no hurry to abandon Christianity considers ancient conspiracies, superstitions and omens to be obscurantism, which must be combated Most Orthodox holidays, Maslenitsa, Epiphany, Trinity, Christmastide and others, fall on the dates of ancient Slavic celebrations Thus, from ancient times the church tried to replace pagan beliefs with Christianity Perhaps that is why another holiday is celebrated on January 28 - the Day of Remembrance of Paul of Thebes, the founder of the tradition of monasticism in Orthodoxy
Connoisseurs of occultism and Vedic knowledge are not ready to abandon the customs of their ancestors Many mystical-minded people celebrate Witch Day every year In the old days, it was believed that on January 28, evil spirits tested a person’s strength, testing his spirit Students of magicians and warlocks, who received knowledge from their mentors on this day, began to practice in life with the enthusiasm characteristic of neophytes Therefore, on the Day of the Sorcerer, it is customary to carry out rituals to protect against the evil eye and damage, to appease the brownie, who is a faithful assistant in the fight against dark forces, with treats