People with oddities, whose behavior and actions cause bewilderment, often surprise others Eccentrics look different from everyone else, behave eccentrically and unpredictably, because they have a different idea of beauty, justice, good and evil Dostoevsky’s Prince Myshkin, Cervantes’ Don Quixote, Gogol’s Akaki Akakievich from “The Overcoat” stand out from the general picture of the world, creating difficulties with their behavior and causing inconvenience to others In honor of sweet, kind, somewhat absurd and slightly absent-minded people, a funny holiday was invented February 4th is the Day of Wonderful Oddballs
Characters from this world are found both in prose works and in poetry Anna German sang about one such unusual person:
Perhaps this is how the great Russian writer LN looked in the eyes of society Tolstoy, who abandoned the habits and lifestyle that the noble class traditionally led, deciding to “devote himself to the village” The count abandoned the light and bustle of the big city in favor of vegetarianism, peasant life and teaching serfs to read and write on the family estate The famous artist Frida Kahlo was known as an extravagant and original artist, who kept many monkeys, cockatoos, dogs and other animals in her Mexican “Blue House”
In honor of the Day of Wonderful Eccentrics, people do crazy things or fulfill their deepest desires February 4th people do not worry about the opinions of others, and are not afraid to cause them bewilderment and surprise The holiday encourages eccentrics, whose habits are considered strange and behavior inappropriate, to cast aside doubts and give free rein to their spiritual impulses In honor of this unusual celebration, people confess their love, go on long journeys, accept the challenges of fate and do risky things, without any fear of looking stupid and ridiculous
Eccentrics live in their own world, which to others seems fantastic and far from reality The poet Andrei Bondi, in his poem “Get Lost,” discusses why “white crows” are needed:
From a young age, the scientist KE was considered an eccentric Tsiolkovsky In his homeland in Kaluga, he designed and launched airships into the sky, invented airplanes, built sleighs under sail, sailing them along the river Due to deafness, Tsiolkovsky was unable to graduate from high school and go on to study further, but this did not stop him from engaging in self-education The scientist developed the theoretical foundations of astronautics and justified the use of “rocket trains” Thanks to this eccentric and thinker, who was significantly ahead of his time, man was able to rise above the Earth and enter airless space
Theoretical physicist A Einstein was known as an eccentric person His colleague and writer CP Snow described the appearance of the Nobel Prize laureate this way: “At first glance, we have before us an inspired saint, a little like a scarecrow” Most people who are not of this world are characterized by meekness, humility, and the inability to defend themselves and defend their life principles The Day of Wonderful Eccentrics calls for a helping hand to a timid person who, despite his strange appearance and absurd behavior, manages to make this world a kinder and better place