Funny Holidays - Day Out of Time

The ancestors of the ancient Slavs celebrated the New Year on September 23 - the day of the autumn equinoxFunny Holidays - Day Out of Time According to the Gregorian calendar, which appeared in Rus' during the era of Peter I, the new year begins on January 1 Its end, according to the traditions of the ancient Mayans, fell on July 24, and its beginning on July 26 In the interval, on July 25, the Mesoamerican Indians celebrated the Day Without Time according to the 13 Moon Calendar It is believed that during this period the Earth passes through a spatial portal - a source of new cosmic energies The Mayan calendar was based not on solar cycles, but on lunar cycles Each Indian month lasted 28 days, with a total of 364 days in the year The most recent one, 365, does not refer to any month or year It is a day when earthly time is not influenced by other stellar bodies These days that have fallen off the calendar become a period of cleansing, liberation from conventions and the discovery of new potentials in oneself On July 25, people working on the subtle plane are recommended to attune themselves to new energy vibrations For this, meditation, prayer and other esoteric practices are used The recapitulation technique allows you to look back and remember everything that happened in the past year - processes that have ended or require continuation in the coming year You can adjust your plans and desires, as if “rewriting” them, taking into account what is currently relevant for you Esotericists, like psychologists, advise not to carry through life the burden of grievances, negative emotions and thoughts that pull a person back to the past This baggage negatively affects life in the present Therefore, July 25th is used to let go of the past by expressing your intention in the physical world You can write a letter with the appropriate wishes, take a shower with the thought that water dissolves and takes away with it the burden of long-standing sorrows and reasons to feel unhappy These and other simple actions were used by our ancestors who practiced household magic By the way, its elements are also present in the traditional wishes that are heard on December 31: “May the outgoing year leave behind everything that we do not want to take with us into the future: bad mood, anger and resentment, and may there be joy and happiness in the new year!” Every year on July 25, the World Meditation takes place, which sends a wave of love to all people living on Earth It is carried out alone or in a group with like-minded people, sitting in a circle - the most harmonious geometric figure, a symbol of fertility, cyclicality and divine world order On this day you need to abandon the rush and bustle and look at the clock as little as possible One should not be afraid to abandon linear time and tune in to cyclical time with its idea of ​​eternal return to the point of departure The worldwide movement for the 13 Moon Calendar was initiated by the American Jose Arguelles (1939-2011) - artist, poet, philosopher and art critic He argued that if humanity wants to survive, it needs to change the way it perceives time and return to the traditions of the ancient Indians The solar calendar, unlike the lunar calendar, leads people along a mechanical, destabilizing path of development and an incorrect way of thinking, devoid of creativity For the first time, the Day Out of Time was celebrated on July 25, 1992 Today, people in many countries of the world pay attention to this funny and at the same time profound holiday from a philosophical point of view July 25 becomes the day that gives us harmony and love, the time of creation of a new being at the junction of two worlds

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