August 5 is a memorable day for career military personnel In all higher educational institutions of the USSR it was unofficially called the day of the drunken cadet In Soviet times, as a rule, it was on August 5 that the Ministry of Defense issued an order on the enrollment of yesterday's schoolchildren in military schools, as well as on the transfer of students to the next course If the date fell on a weekend, then the order was issued on the next working day Naturally, this date means a lot to everyone involved This is due to the following reasons:
1 Random people do not enroll in military schools They prepare for enrollment for a long time, dream and make plans for their future life and career And successful admission becomes a real event, perhaps one of the most memorable in life The same applies to transfer to the next year of study It is awaited with special trepidation by junior students who have not yet fully believed in their strength and ability to endure the hardships of cadet life
2 Student life is, in principle, an unforgettable time This is a period of great hopes and accomplishments, freshness of perception, intense study and vibrant love But if we are talking specifically about a military educational institution, then all this is complemented by a unique atmosphere There, young people join the military brotherhood and learn to overcome difficulties, where their character is formed and strengthened
Of course, it would be more correct to call August 5 simply cadet day But it was the name with the word “drunk” that stuck The joy of future defenders of the homeland regarding admission to college or successful transfer to the next year was traditionally marked by wild joy It was extremely rare to do without alcohol Being at home, it was easy to celebrate such an event It’s enough to meet friends at someone’s apartment, go to a bar or cafe It was more difficult for those cadets who found the holiday in the barracks or dormitory But they always found an opportunity to celebrate their day on a grand scale, sneaking alcohol into the territory secretly from the command and drinking it
Celebrating Drunken Cadet Day sometimes ended badly The command traditionally turned a blind eye to some violations on that day But for the most daring antics, students were held accountable, including expulsion However, the tradition of celebration has survived to this day Modern cadets honor this holiday in the same way as their predecessors - students of Soviet higher educational institutions After the collapse of the USSR, the holiday can rightfully be considered international, since it is celebrated not only in the Russian Federation The date matters both for current cadets and for those who were them in the past