Spaghetti and other types of products made from flour and water, called pasta and vermicelli in Russia, are the national pride of Italy In the country located on the Apennine Peninsula, there are from 300 to 600 recipes for pasta dishes Thick bucatini, capellini with a diameter of 1 mm, flattened linguine, egg pappardelle, fettuccine and spaghetti are present on the table of many Italian families every day Pasta dishes are usually seasoned with tomato or cream sauce, adding cheese, vegetables, minced meat or seafood
Boiled vermicelli, the length of which reaches 50-75 cm, is very inconvenient to eat with a fork But Italians never break or cut pasta with a knife, much less break the rules of etiquette by sucking spaghetti into their mouths To make it easier to wrap the pasta on a fork, use a spoon The virtuosity of this process is achieved through years of training and is explained by a great love for the national cuisine A funny holiday has been invented in honor of the unusual way of eating spaghetti and bucatini April 20 is the Day of the Fork and Spoon
The celebration is celebrated in Sardinia and Ponza, the islands of the Tuscan archipelago and Capri, in the south and north of mainland Italy In Sicily, in honor of Forkrut Day, a gastronomic festival is held with competitions in cooking and eating spaghetti The Italian initiative was also supported by the owners of English cafes and restaurants, where pasta will definitely appear on the menu on April 20 Residents of Foggy Albion traditionally season it with sauces made from beans, beef and tomatoes, emphasizing the taste of real durum wheat spaghetti, cooked Al dente (“to the tooth”)
According to legend, the dish in the form of thin and straight flour products was invented by chef Masterello One day he invited the guests of his restaurant to try pasta, which puzzled them a lot Mastrello personally demonstrated how to roll spaghetti onto a long fork, and then served it with aromatic sauce and a carafe of wine The tension that reigned among those present subsided Guests scooped up the sauce with a large spoon and dashingly dipped rolled pasta into it This is how the funny Day of Forks and Spoons appeared
Long vermicelli has gone down in history not only as a tasty and nutritious dish “To hang noodles on one’s ears” is a phraseological unit of the Russian language that denotes the supply of false information, deception and fables "Essere come l'acqua dei maccheroni" ("To be like water after boiling pasta") is said in Italy about a dishonest person “Hanging on a spoon with its legs dangling” is a riddle for children with the answer: “Noodles” To make the pasta more convenient to eat, the dish is served in a deep bowl, similar to a soup bowl And to master the skill of wrapping spaghetti before putting it into your mouth, it is recommended to regularly celebrate the Day of the Fork-Twist and Spoon-Layer