Sucked down by the routine of everyday life? Is there a clear lack of positive emotions? Then the time has come to do what you have long dreamed of On January 23, the roads are clear on the way to making your wildest dreams come true, because Green Light Day falls on this date
The color of grass, trees and other vegetation has a beneficial effect on a person’s state of mind According to psychologists, green calms and relaxes, gives inner harmony and balance It can be used to treat various fears and phobias, such as fear of enclosed spaces Esotericists believe that this color is the heart chakra, symbolizing love, mercy and kindness Anahata is located between the energy centers responsible for the material and spiritual principles in life The symbol of this chakra is a mandala lotus with 12 petals, each of which is associated with one of the virtues
Green is a symbol of prosperity and is associated with sustainable growth and development On January 23, you can safely plan the start of new projects and other professional endeavors Like a tree putting out shoots from which young foliage emerges, your plans will come true and you will be successful and confident And, despite the fact that it is winter, and green is associated with the awakening of nature and spring, it is worth trying to do something significant on January 23rd With the right approach to the matter, there is a high probability of getting the first shoots with the arrival of warmer weather
In the color test of psychotherapist Max Luscher, green is deciphered as a color that dismantles pride, perseverance and determination to act, and is a symbol of firmness and constancy People who, during diagnosis, chose the shade of foliage and lush grass are distinguished by a desire to improve their lives, concern for their own health and the well-being of others If you don't have these traits but are sad and depressed, use color to combat stress and negative emotions
Green has a lot of tones: lime, emerald, light green, pistachio, olive, mint and others, which should be actively used in the interior of the house All of them, to one degree or another, relax and soothe, so they are used to decorate the living room, bedroom and children's room However, pure green is invigorating and revitalizing It is no coincidence that it was chosen to designate the permissive traffic light signal This color encourages movement - the beginning of the journey without fear of encountering obstacles
On January 23, Green Light Day, all doors are open and roads are open Hurry to your goal before the path is clear and the red light turns on Appreciate the precious moments of life - feel free to step on the gas and rush towards your dreams!