On July 27, fast food lovers from all over the world celebrate the birthday of the hamburger, the most famous American sandwich This date was not chosen by chance It was on July 27, 1900 that the first hamburger in its modern form, known to us all, was prepared and sold Its inventor was the American Louis Lessing, the owner of a snack bar on wheels That day, he served one of his clients a cutlet fried from leftover meat To make the dish more presentable, Lessing placed it between two round buns and added fresh lettuce and sauce The client really liked this sandwich
Louis Lessing came up with the innovative idea of adding lettuce or vegetables to a hamburger But a variation of this dish without greens was known earlier Back in 1885, in the small American town of Seymour, a certain Charlie Nagreen sold fried meat with buns The action took place at the fair Thus, the chef decided to adapt the traditional steak to the requirements of modern times After all, meat is popular and is always in demand on cafe menus But you won’t be able to eat a steak on the go; you’ll have to waste time and look for a table So you need to make it convenient for this by placing it between small buns
The hamburger was presented to the general public at a large-scale fair in St Louis It was received favorably, but gained great popularity only several decades later Before this, hamburgers were only one of the fast food options, second in demand to hot dogs and Italian pizza But gradually they gained more and more fans And in 1921, the first hamburger restaurant was opened, which was called White Castle Hamburger Subsequently, this dish was included in the menu of almost all catering establishments in the United States, and in some of them it became the main dish
1 What is the secret of the popularity of the hamburger? There are several reasons for this: The heyday of this quick snack came when it began to be offered in chain cafes Wimpy Grills They used the in-line cooking method, which made it possible to serve visitors very quickly Dishes from pre-prepared ingredients were prepared quickly and their prices were low As a result, almost everyone could afford (and did) such a sandwich, and it became very popular
2 Hamburger is a classic on-the-go meal option You don’t have to sit down at a table in a cafe to eat it Hamburgers are eaten at home, sitting on the lawn or on a bench, on a car or bus seat, or actually on the go They are always in demand at public events
3 Hamburger is delicious Fried fatty meat, a fresh bun, plenty of butter and salt - all this gives pleasure, although it does not bring health benefits And the sauce, herbs and pickled onions make the taste brighter, piquant, and the appearance of the sandwich more attractive
Today, the hamburger is, like jeans, a symbol of American culture McDonald's alone sells 75 burgers per second There are dozens of options for preparing the dish: with or without cheese, with fish instead of a meat cutlet, a sweet hamburger, a vegetarian option, etc In London in 2013, a hamburger was prepared with meat that was grown from cow stem cells in the laboratory The largest burger in the world was prepared a year earlier in the USA, in Minnesota He weighed more than 900 kilograms Even Dmitry Medvedev, when he was President of the Russian Federation, was treated to hamburgers by Barack Obama during his visit to America They were served for breakfast